for those of u lovelies who shared ur thoughts, thanks for entertaining my whimsical quest for useless knowledge ...
below are the results from our small AnD survey group ...
PUBLIC TOILET CUBICLE CHOICE: 1st Cubicle: 10% 2nd Cubicle: 0% 3rd Cubicle: 30% Handicapped: 50%
most of us presume that furthest away and the handicapped cubicle is the least visited and should be in theory cleaner ... so, think again ... sometimes in life we overthink the situation
anyways, as promised ... here are ur respective personality types based on ur cubicle choice ... actually, it rings pretty true for me...[if gte mso 9]>
1st cubicle: Always in the rush. A very fast & efficient person. A quick thinker & does not like to waste time. But can be careless at times. A pessimist & hates to waste energy.
2nd cubicle: Efficient but takes time to check & think through issues before implementing them. Can be romantic but rash at times. Generally very cheerful.
3rd cubicle: Quiet & pensive. Tend to miss lots of good opportunity in life. A boring person.
Handicapped cubicle:An executive at heart. Love to have space & luxury in every thing
you do. A very optimistic person. Tend to be active & sporty. Enjoy life
in full. However, can't endure hardship.
alas. it seems that there aren't any efficient, clear-thinking romantics in between my circle of AnD friends - hahaokay, on to the wise-guys and their deservedness levels of respect ... our little survey showed:Dungeon Master 33%Yoda 22%Gandalf 45%support for Gandalf was strong, after initial front-running (including my original vote) for Dungeon Master ... but i'm making an executive decision (based on my Blogger's prerogative) in concluding in fact,
Yoda is the most deserving, even though he had the least votes at 22%... it was dear Mr. Scottie Hui who remarked to me something that just resonated with me and made it crystal clear ...paraphrasing Scottie's rare glimmers of wisdom - "sure, Dungeon Master and Gandalf are wise and wiley, but in the end they are cowards - when the shit hits the fan, they just scat ... Yoda is wise and he's not "yellow" ... he stays and fights his own battles against the dark forces of evil" ... so true
Yoda the Great!
Lately i believe i'm getting more and more enigmatic (sadly, not by choice) ... a horizontally challenged man of many confused, yet complex layers amidst extrem