Having to go for an emergency "biggy" in a public toilet kinda freaks me out in general ... don't even get me to even think a moment's thought about such an unfortunate scenario in Mainland China!
here is a personality test regarding one's choice of public toilet cubicle for conducting ur business...
You go into a public toilet, there are 4 cubicles, all empty: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and a cubicle for the Handicapped. Which one would you use ????
i will reveal the personality types for ur different choices later ... but out of interest, let me know ur choice and ur rationale please ... will be cool to conduct a small survey to try and reveal, which in fact is the potentially least occupied and hence, arguably the most hygienic ... useful future reference -- haha
personally, becoz i need maximum wing-span and leg-room, along with my presumption that there is a lesser population of handicapped persons ... i would undoubtedly select the Handicapped cube, if available.
while we are at it and discussing people's choices ... another thing that is bugging me today is, if u had to decide between
Yoda, Dungeon Masterand
Gandalf- who is in fact the wisest? ... actually for me, all three are sorta prick-teases ... they drop hints, tell u bits, lead u on and tittilate, but then not tell u the full story (even though they know it full-well)- bastards! ... haha
so, which of these three do u trust the most? ...
Lately i believe i'm getting more and more enigmatic (sadly, not by choice) ... a horizontally challenged man of many confused, yet complex layers amidst extrem