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marcus a.c.
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the Body.

working out at the gym has been part of my weekly routinefor the last 4 years.i even worked out with a Personal Trainer,only because i really wanted to improve and build up the 'Body'.and during all that time never did my body ache, breakdownor even pull a muscle.and yes... the 'Body' improved.but now its a different story.as i turn older there are days when the 'Body' is in pain for days.back muscle ache. shoulder muscle ache.neck pain. and the pain goes on for days. sometime for weeks.No. it isn't due to over exercising.and i'm kinda ashamed to say this...i hurt the 'Body' because of the way i sleep.i sleep on my sides and roll like an elephant on steroids in a Tutu.so because of my sleeping performance during the night,the 'Body' wakes up to multitude of pain, aches and pull.so what do i do to avoid future torments?get a bigger bed so there's more space for the 'Body'?sleeping pills so that i am more Zombie than Tutu?idk...btw, is it weird that i address myself as the 'Body'...no?

over 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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