Official Artist
Lisa Selesner
MC / Show Host , Model
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Back From Hangzhou | 從杭州回來

Just got back from a 3 day stint in Hangzhou, China. The self-proclaimed "Most Beautiful City in China ", as one local TV commercial proudly stated.  It is, indeed, a beautiful city, and the people seem to have more of a country disposition than in most other big cities in China. Well, except for this one guy who jumped the taxi cue last night at the hotel, and when confronted by these two pint size featherweight girls proceeded to get in their faces, tell them he was going to do nasty things to their mothers, and shout numerous other horribly shocking things, before jumping in the cab and flicking his cigarette in one of their faces. I guess its not a real trip to China unless at least one crazy thing happens!

So, I was supposed to do 5 shows in 2 days, but it was cut down to 4 due to the much anticipated appearance of the Hong Kong artist Miriam Yeung. It was mayhem! They ended up canceling our first opening show because the chief of police was afraid there was going to be a riot. Kind of sad since I'm sure some of these people traveled quite a distance to see their beloved idol. This picture below doesn't give the chaos justice. So, just as soon as Miriam came and sat in the VIP waiting room, she left. Never made an appearance. Escorted right back out the back door. Later I found out the crowd got so rowdy that they were pushing over display cases, velvet ropes, and any small women and children in their way. Total insanity!

| 在杭州緊鑼密鼓地呆了三天,剛回來。在這個自稱為"中國最美麗的城市"拍攝一個本地電視廣告。杭州的確是美麗的城市,跟國內其他大城市比起來,城市部署似乎更勝一籌。當然,排除昨晚的一個家夥,他從出租車跳下沖進酒店,碰到兩個嬌小的女生,指著她們破口大罵,除了打算對她們母親不敬之外,還喊出許多可怕的臟話,之後把手中的香煙彈在其中一位臉上,然後跳上出租揚長而去。在內地總要遇上瘋狂事件!


This is the outfit, hair, and makeup that never saw the runway.

| 這是沒機會上T臺展示的服裝、發型和化妝。

Actually, maybe it was a blessing in disguise...

Oh, but it gets better! As anyone who's been to China will tell you, the outfits below are the uniform of millions of Aunties across the nation.

| 其實塞翁失馬,焉知非福…哦,更棒的事情來了!去過內地的人都會告訴你,下面這些套裝是國內數百萬阿姨們的至愛。

Well... excluding the cute Miu Miu shoes that are mine :-)

So after seeing only the hotel and the convention center, which are next door to each other, for three days, I was so excited about going out to dinner to eat hairy crabs on my last night (sorry no photos). I LOVE HAIRY CRAB! I love it almost as much as I love hot pot. Yes, hairy crabs are heart attacks waiting to happen, but I don't care. It's worth it!

And as I was going to the airport, reflecting back on my short but sweet trip to Hangzhou, I was left with one last kooky image.

| 當然…除了腳上這雙可愛的Miu Miu鞋是我自己的:-)



Look closely. Yes, my friends, that is a pagoda on a roof of a house. Interesting...

| 靠近點看。沒錯,朋友們,這幢房子上面是寶塔尖頂。有趣...

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  23 comments  0 shares
Paulinec 1a img 1269
ooooh who's clothes are they?? you have it down to a T......MILLIONS....of aunties... how do you keep a straight face....lucky there was no riot.. the police in china are something... they were at our event...checking in for more $$$'s
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
"I want to see Miriam NOW god damn it! I'll break anything that gets in my way!"
almost 17 years ago


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