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Egypt! | 埃及!

I've always wanted to travel to Egypt to see the pyramids for as long as I can remember.  Such an awesome place rich in culture and history.  Cairo is a crazy city full of people and noise.  There are 75 million people living in the whole country and 25 million of them are crammed together in Cairo.  As you can imagine, traffic is insane.  There's not 30 seconds that goes by without hearing a car horn blasting.  And crossing the street?  One seriously has to be insane or on drugs to cross the streets of Cairo.  Cars do not bother to stop!  It's like playing that old video game, Frogger, except it's your real life!

The pyramids of Giza were awesome.  I hired a camel to ride out to see them up close.  One would think that I would have had enough of riding camels after shooting The Scorpion King, but I must say, it was a lot more comfortable not having to do it in a g-string. (You had to have seen the film.)

It was actually very exciting to stand on the Great Pyramid, too.  I couldn't help but compare my profile with that of the Sphinx.  The Egyptian guide thought he was being funny when he told me the Sphinx was Korean because it didn't have a nose.

After surviving the first few days in Cairo I planned to take a sleeper train down to Aswan and jump on board a Nile river cruise to visit the rest of Egypt from a boat.  However, I missed the train going over to Aswan because I read the time wrong on the ticket.  I barely managed to get on the last train.  If I hadn't gotten on I would have missed the cruise, too.  I did one of my best acting jobs ever when I cried to the conductor to let us on.  Too bad there were no cameras around for that one.  It had already started rolling out and they stopped it for me to get on and everything!  I wanted to kiss the conductor of the train!  I made it down to Aswan just in time to jump on board the boat.  The Nile river cruise was awesome.  I stayed on a beautiful boat for 3 nights and saw everything there was to see from Aswan to Luxor.  I never thought I'd say this, but I got kind of burnt out on pyramids and temples by the end of the week.

So glad I made the trip to Egypt.  It was always the first thing on my list of Things To Do Before I Die.  Now I can finally cross that one off.





在開羅遊玩了幾天後,我計劃乘坐火車臥鋪到阿斯旺,再跳上停泊在尼羅河畔的遊船,在船上觀賞埃及其他風貌。但因為讀錯了票上的時間,我錯過了去阿斯旺的火 車,連末班車也差點沒趕上。如果我沒上車,也會誤了遊船。當我向列車長叫喊著讓我們上車時,做了平生最棒的一次動作演出,真遺憾當時沒有相機拍攝這個過 程。列車已經發動,但他們停下來讓我上車,然後一切都好了!我想親吻那輛車的列車長!在阿斯旺下車時剛好趕上遊船,尼羅河巡遊很棒。我在一艘漂亮的船上呆了3晚,欣賞從阿斯旺到路克索的美麗風景。從沒想過會說這種話,但在那周的最後,我為金字塔和神廟癡狂。





在 开罗游玩了几天后,我计划乘坐火车卧铺到阿斯旺,再跳上停泊在尼罗河畔的游船,在船上观赏埃及其他风貌。但因为读错了票上的时间,我错过了去阿斯旺的火 车,连末班车也差点没赶上。如果我没上车,也会误了游船。当我向列车长叫喊着让我们上车时,做了平生最棒的一次动作演出,真遗憾当时没有相机拍摄这个过 程。列车已经发动,但他们停下来让我上车,然后一切都好了!我想亲吻那辆车的列车长!在阿斯旺下车时刚好赶上游船,尼罗河巡游很棒。我在一艘漂亮的船上呆了3晚,欣赏从阿斯旺到路克索的美丽风景。从没想过会说这种话,但在那周的最后,我为金字塔和神庙痴狂。


16 年多 前 0 赞s  24 评论s  0 shares
Photo 33405
Egypt!! That's awesome! My friends and I really want to go to Egypt & Jordan next year. Some of us were just a bit concerned about the safety issue there. Was it fairly safe there for you?
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
awesome. i want to book a 'kelly hu's footsteps' africa trip! so amazing.
16 年多 ago
Photo 32096
love all your pictures, very nice, and you always look so beautiful!
16 年多 ago



Los Angeles, United States
February 8, 2007