Official Artist
Jun Kung
Music Producer , Musician
612,572 views| 420  Posts

Nat Geo / HK Clean Up |國家地理頻道 / 清潔香港| 国家地理频道 / 清洁香港

After watching Nat Geo for more than a decade, am so proud to say that I'm on Nat Geo! What a great honor !!

                                                                                            |看國家地理頻道都超過十年了,終於能看到自己的臉! 非常自豪!!

Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDQ2Njg2MTk2.html

|看国家地理频道都超过十年了,终于能看到自己的脸! 非常自豪!!

Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDQ2Njg2MTk2.html

over 11 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
can't wait to work together on HK Clean Up!
over 11 years ago
Admin bear cimg7673
Let's make HK beautiful!
over 11 years ago
Photo 52906
A clean up is a good idea, but an improvement would be a strategy which focuses on prevention. From the items mentioned in the video, we can easily do without the newspapers by using smart devices. Think of the immediate benefits, now make suggestions to get rid of some other items. Good luck!
over 11 years ago


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Member Since
September 4, 2007