Official Artist
Jet Li
Actor , Producer , Martial Arts, Wrestling or Boxing
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Hungry bee|饑餓的蜜蜂|饥饿的蜜蜂

While standing in line on Corcovado Hill, we bought some soda from vendors. It was a hot day, and apparently bees nearby were as thirsty as we were. After Jet opened his coke a bee crawled in unnoticed. Jet takes a swig and rather unceremoniously spits out the coke along with the bee. In the end both were OK-Jet didn't get stung and the bee shrugged off the soda and flew away.

|站在科爾科瓦多山排隊時, 我們買了一些汽水喝。當天很熱,而附近的蜜峰似乎像我們一樣也口渴。李連傑開了他的可樂後,有一只蜜峰悄悄爬了進去,李連傑喝了一口,把口中的可樂連同蜜峰一齊噴吐出來。最後他們倆都OK - 李連傑沒有被蜜峰咬一口, 蜜峰也甩甩身上的汽水飛走了。

|站在科尔科瓦多山排队时, 我们买了一些汽水喝。当天很热,而附近的蜜峰似乎像我们一样也口渴。李连杰开了他的可乐后,有一只蜜峰悄悄爬了进去,李连杰喝了一口,把口中的可乐连同蜜峰一齐喷吐出来。最后他们俩都OK - 李连杰没有被蜜峰咬一口, 蜜峰也甩甩身上的汽水飞走了。

|While standing in line on Corcovado Hill, we bought some soda from vendors. It was a hot day, and apparently bees nearby were as thirsty as we were. After Jet opened his coke a bee crawled in unnoticed. Jet takes a swig and rather unceremoniously spits out the coke along with the bee. In the end both were OK-Jet didn't get stung and the bee shrugged off the soda and flew away.

about 15 years ago 0 likes  25 comments  0 shares
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woah, eating a bee!
about 15 years ago
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about 15 years ago


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