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Terrorist Fears Discover Chinese Lover Breaking Rules

TREND ALERT: In the next 5 years, there will be a significant increase in security and security related issues. Technologies and techniques will emerge in great numbers due to the needs to protect identities, guarantee security and increased fear management at all levels. Real trigger events cause substantial ripple effects. 


Kicking off 2010, in New York/NJ, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officer Ruben Hernandez assisted Haisong Jiang by leaving the area while he slips under the ropes and hugs a loved one. This security breach caused a significant delay in Newark International Airport.

Full Story: CNN, NY Times

Haisong Jiang is a Graduate student at Mengquing Xiang's Lab in Rutgers, NJ:


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1: What have we become...afraid of our own shadows...willing to put a man in jail for BS like hugging his honey. We have the testicular fortitude of a titmouse and are running around like chickens with our heads cut off. It appears that we are more than happy to abbrogate all the rights the greatest generation fought and died for... for nothing. What a bunch of wimps we have become. Leave the man who welcomed his honey home, he is not a criminal, just a regular human being. God Bless and protect Haisong Jiang. And TSA, grow up and respect people. They do pay your salary, after all.

2: I'm not mad at them charging him. He's a douche to think the rules don't apply to him. Watch the tape, he lurked around and then saw his chance to break the rules. No sympathy from me.

TSA Footage of the actual incident


about 15 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares
Photo 50475
#2 - HE IS A COMPLETE IDIOT!!! Yes, love is so so important but if you live and work in the US of A. You should know terrorist issue is high and no one is an exception. BREAKING THE LAW IN ORDER TO HUG YOUR LOVE AT RESTRICTED AIRPORT AREA ANYWHERE AROUND THE WORLD IS JUST PLAIN STUPID STUPID AND STUPID!!! I am sure this guy knew the rule and he has caused problems / delay for other travelers. SELFISHNESS AND UTTER CRAZINESS DO NOT GET MY SYMPATHY. I feel more sorry the the other travelers rushing home to see their love one. I HATE SELFISH PEOPLE LIKE THIS GUY!!!!!
about 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Throw the book at him. He definitely knew the rules and decided to violate them. Terrorism is no light matter.
about 15 years ago
Photo 290347
With rising incidences from intentional violators to increasing threats/actual security breaches, the costs associated with protection and public safety are set to skyrocket near term. People tend to ignore such matters because they believe their lives are immune. We need to get into the mindset of cheering on and paying greater respect to the heroes who work everyday on preventing the risks becoming reality. In the next 5 years, what didn't happen (the incident) is going to be in high demand with significant value.
about 15 years ago
Photo 341408
Had to agree with Wing Liu. Whether it is a criminal offence or not. Its selfishness to inconvenient others in such a way. Well he probably didn't mind breaking the rules for a little more huggy, if that's the case I'm sure he is well aware about the possible consequences but was willing to risk it. Where national security is concern, there really should not be any grey area. If its not this crazy guy it might have been something else.
about 15 years ago


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