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Gong Wu
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almost 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Congratulations to Scamper

Well guys we fought the good fight, we tried our best but unfortunately we didn't win this time round. Commiserations are firstly in order to all the other heartbroken bands that fought for the last 14 days and lost sleep over the competition (we sure did!!) and didn't win.Secondly congratulations to Scamper for winning the competition! Have a great time playing the show of your lives!I'd once again like to thank again all the friends, family, fans and other local bands that supported us through the competition and gave...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

Asia Expo, Lantau Festival, Armani & Lots of other stuff

Hey guys we've just been over to Causeway Bay after a franticly intense band practice (just in case we might be heading over to Macau this weekend) And met up with 4 other bands including our friends Cho Chuk Mo to meet up and discuss future work with Stage-tube.com We've just organised a trip over to the Asia Expo to record 2 new music videos along with the other bands.All the guys at Stage-tube are awesome. We had a great time hanging out with them and the other bands, Cho Chuk Mo we'...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Linkin Park Competition Final Opinions.. I promise.

Ok guys, I just wanted to finally clear of any confusion as to my past comments regarding this competition. I've had a few people send comments to me about my negativity towards this competition.Right now it looks like our band is going to be in the top 5 of the contest as long as our fans keep voting for the rest of the night.I want people to realise that now that we are in the top 5, I still stick to what I believe in.I am not a sore loser, I was NOT speaking out previously because I was angry with ou...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares

多謝大家 Thank You Everyone!

多謝各位熱愛音樂及支持我們"江湖GONG WU"的朋友. 剛剛知道我們為頭五名之列, 可以有機會讓出色的林肯公園樂隊挑選當中有音樂熱誠的各樂隊作開場BAND; 面對眾多搖滾樂迷支持下的盛大音樂會, 一定是一個難能可貴的經驗及時刻; 無論賽果如何, 我們也會專重及支持~ 希望大家繼續支持原創音樂, LIVE BAND!!再次多謝及感激大家!!Thanks to all the fans and ba...

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

多謝大家!! Thanks to the fans!!

多謝各位熱愛音樂及支持我們"江湖GONG WU"的朋友. 剛剛知道我們為頭五名之列, 可以有機會讓出色的林肯公園樂隊挑選當中有音樂熱誠的各樂隊作開場BAND; 面對眾多搖滾樂迷支持下的盛大音樂會, 一定是一個難能可貴的經驗及時刻; 無論賽果如何, 我們也會專重及支持~ 希望大家繼續支持原創音樂, LIVE BAND!!再次多謝及感激大家!!Thanks to everyone who has come onto Alive Not Dead and cast a vote for us. It was great to see so many people voting like crazy for their favourite bands! We support our rock scene and we love everyone here that supports local original music too! Whoever Linkin Park chooses is definately gonna have the craziest time ever! Good luck to us all I guess!江湖...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

You are gonna be sick of Li this month!

Guys I just finished work on two TVCs, catwalked for Quicksilver, prints galore and last month shot a new Compass Visa Asia Wide promotion. See if you can spot me on TV, Buses, MTR systems and pretty much EVERYWHERE on EVERYTHING Muhahaha! :) It's been a crazy month of solid work and it's great to be so busy following all my passions at the same time. I love acting a lot, no way near as much as music, it's great fun (and I get to practice cantonese with all my local bookers agents and crews)I'm doing an...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Seriously thanks to our fans!!!!

Guys we've hit the number 1 slot.  After a slow start and to my total shock we've come to the top of the pack.Not only that, but I just remembered the guestbook at the bottom of the competition and to my complete shock and sheer excstatic surprise we've had tonnes of you guys sending messages out to LP in total support!Thanks for all you guys who took the time to write down your feelings about us and put up such awesome comments. (brings tears to my eyes)I don't wanna sound like an egomaniac or anythiing but i...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Hilarious if not amazing Linkin Park story remembered!

I've just been chatting to my new buddy Charles from Fall in Line and he just reminded me of a really quirky story about Linkin Park that after laughing about I thought I had to share with everyone. Before I was a singer I loved Papa Roach, Nirvana, Linkin Park. your usual late 90's metal grunge bands that were really kicking off at that time.I'd only just got into alternative music a few years before (about the age of 13)So I remember my best friend Dean had just bought his first car. Out of...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Stage-tube video online now!

Hey guys for all of you who don't have facebook here is the first video of our stage-tube outing last week.We'd like to present Larry Cheung into Gong Wu. This was his 2nd time playing with us in the video so huge amounts of respect to him for delivering an awesome performance!We had an awesome writing session last night and have began writing two new songs that are finally representing the combined writing efforts of all us. Ultra funky and crazily progressive! We should have them ready by our next show at the end of the...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


We slap the hardest funk crunching metal across the earholes of Asia.. WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GONGWU WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GONGWUBAND WWW.GONGWUBAND.COM

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
January 20, 2008