Official Artist
Eric Kwok
Composer , Music Producer
320,374 views| 585  Posts

One of my latest hits

Sometimes like movie magic, it just happens, you can't explain it, nothing you can do, except,

Just enjoy while it last.

One of my latest composition 2008  for Kay Tse took off like crazy and i can only say, it's all fate and luck. 

Good job on the singing Kay!

As a composer, there's no higher reward than to know that so many people out there share the love of your song.  Thank you all!

Video: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Xc_kYHJoQsM&feature=related

over 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares
Photo 50475
囍帖街 is my latest favourite favourite. Kay is fantastic and she is from N.T. North - me too and damn proud of it. I should have thought you have help created it. So calm, yet so energetic and great song for 囍帖街. Sadly now teared down. SuperB!
over 16 years ago
it's not fate, luck, or magic. you composed a great song for a good singer. you are a talented guy, but honestly, you need to learn to take a shower more than once a week...
over 16 years ago
Photo 45507
囍帖街nice stuff....... WILL.C.
over 16 years ago


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August 4, 2008