Official Artist
Daniel Wu
Actor , Director
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June Letter from Daniel Wu (taken from the Official Daniel Wu Newsletter)

Hello Everybody! It's me, Daniel! Welcome to all you new people on the list. I seem to be getting more and more people on here everyday! Yes, this is actually me, Daniel Wu; writing to all of you and it is only me reading all of your mails. I am managing all the e-mails and newsletters by myself; it's a difficult job! But in my effort to keep in contact with all of you I will keep working hard on this!

First things first. I would like to talk about some technical issues...Read more

about 22 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

Happy Easter from Daniel! (taken from the Official Daniel Wu Fan Newsletter)

Hello everybody and happy Easter!!!!

It's me Daniel again! Seems like this newsgroup has gotten much bigger after the release of "Love Undercover". I'm glad that all of you liked this movie. Becasue of all of your support, you were able to boost the box office ratings. Thank you!

I also want to say thanks to everyone who showed their support at the Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia premiere showings of Princess D. It was nice to see so many of you c...Read more

over 22 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Happy Chinese New Year! ( taken from the Official Daniel Wu Newsletter)

Hello and Happy Chinese New Year everyone! I hope everybody has had a good holiday season. I had a wonderful vacation with my family in France. I was able to snowboard too! Snowboarding is one of my favorite sports but I've have had little chance to do so since moving to Hong Kong. I had a very busy past few months so this vacation came just in time. Before my vacation I just finished filming "The Police Force Wants Me to Get Married!"(Sun Zat Si Mui). This was a kind of ro...Read more

over 22 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

Hi it's me Daniel again! ( taken from the official Daniel Wu Fan Newsletter)

Hello everyone!

How are you all? From now on all my messages will be coming from this Newsletter group. It seems to be the best way to solve most of my e-mailing problems. It will also make it more convieniant for me to write more often.

Thanks to everyone for your letters. I read everyone myself and I really enjoy them very much. Your words of support are very much appreciated. Remember I still can't read Chinese(but I'm learning!) So I can only see the ...Read more

over 22 years ago 0 likes  22 comments  0 shares


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Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Member Since
July 27, 2005
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