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Happy Chinese New Year! ( taken from the Official Daniel Wu Newsletter)

Hello and Happy Chinese New Year everyone! I hope everybody has had a good holiday season. I had a wonderful vacation with my family in France. I was able to snowboard too! Snowboarding is one of my favorite sports but I've have had little chance to do so since moving to Hong Kong. I had a very busy past few months so this vacation came just in time. Before my vacation I just finished filming "The Police Force Wants Me to Get Married!"(Sun Zat Si Mui). This was a kind of romantic comedy with me and Miriam Yueng (Yueng Chien Wa). It was an interesting project to work on for me because it was first romantic comedy. Previously I did "Beauty and the Breast"(Fung Hung Bei Cup) with Francis Ng and Michelle Reiss. I'm not sure if many of you saw this movie but I had a very fun time making it. It was first comedy movie so everything was new to me and I learned a lot form the experience. I also enjoyed working with Francis again, he is one of my favorite Hong Kong actors. Starting next week I will be promoting "The Police Force Wants Me to

Get Married!" and "Princess D"(Seurng Fei), both films are expected to be released in March and hopefully you will all get a chance to see them! Go to the movie theatres don't buy pirate VCDs! I'm happy to see that the list of new people on this list is getting bigger and bigger with people writting to me from all over the world! I read every e-mail sent to me and your support is very appreciated. Thank You! I must remind you all that you MUST NOT send forwarded mail, junk mail or large memory files to me. These types of files

take up a lot of memory on my e-mail account and sometimes will block other people's e-mails from coming in. So from now on these types of mails will be deleted immediately and I may have to block senders if it becomes too much. So please be fair and considerate! Also remember that my Chinese reading is not too good so if you write in English I will definately be able to read every word! My plans for the year of the Horse are quite simple...take it easy! The last two years I was working all the time very little time to relax. Even not enough time to write to all of you! So this year I will be more selective with my work and spend more time enjoying life! I hope to travel more, read more, learn more, watch more movies, etc. Well, I hope this letter finds everyone happy and in good health and I wish everyone a good year!

Take Care!

Daniel Wu

p.s. Some of you have asked where you can mail things to me. You can mail letters to:

Daniel Wu

c/o JC Group

6/F Properous Centere

1 Knutsford Terrace, T.S.T

Kowloon, Hong Kong

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Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005