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What happened to David Letterman??!?!!??!|大衛萊特曼怎麽了?!?!?|大卫莱特曼怎么了?!?!?

After coming back from a dreamlike trip to South Africa, I was horrified to find out The Late Show with David Letterman has been canceled off Star World!!! What the hell happened? Why did that happen? I have been watching the Letterman show since I was in high school and it really is my only connection to American pop culture since moving to Hong Kong. When Letterman was canceled from ATV World a couple years ago I was devastated. The month or so that it was off the air before Star World picked it up was probably the worst period of time in my couch potato life. I don't actually watch that much tv but I did enjoy winding down the evening with Letterman every night. When Star World decided to air it, it felt like the first rain on a drought stricken desert. I was so happy and relieved. Now they have dropped it from Star World too and my late night tv watching world has again spun into chaos. Why was this done? Who was the idiot who made this executive decision? Where does this person live? I want to go to his/her house and personally deliver a nice big box of ass whopping. How could you do this to me!? Whoever you are, you are in trouble when I find you.

Now all I have is this lousy photo. I'm going to print it and put it on my bedside table to help me sleep at night. If there is a smart TV exec reading this right now...put Letterman back on, it'll be the smartest thing you do!


美妙的南非旅程歸來後,發現了一件讓我很震驚的事情,衛星國際臺(Star World)拿掉了大衛萊特曼主持的大衛深夜秀(港譯:大衛牙擦騷)。到底發生了什麽?這樣做出於什麽原因?自高中的時候,我就追著看這個節目了,而且也是我來到香港之後,唯一感到能和美國流行文化接觸的東西了。幾年前萊特曼的節目被亞視(ATV)拿掉的時候,我就吃驚不已。衛星國際重拾這套節目之前的那一個月裏,對我這種電視迷來說,真是糟透了。嚴格說來我也不是看很多電視的人,只是單純喜歡在深夜靜候他的節目,讓自己放松下。而且衛星國際的重播,當時於我就像是久旱已久的沙漠迎來了甘霖一樣,很快樂,也很安心。現在衛星國際故技重施,也讓我通過午夜秀場關註世界變得遙不可及了。為什麽要這樣做?誰這麽蠢做了這項執行決議?這個人現在身在何處?我真的想找去他家,然後親自送上一份“大禮”。你怎麽能這樣呢!?無論你是誰,我找到你的時候,你就完蛋了。 我現在所剩的就是這張不怎樣的照片了,打算打印出來,放到床頭櫃上,幫助我在深夜入眠。要是現在有哪位才思敏捷的電視主管看到了這篇博文,那麽就讓萊特曼回來吧,這會是你做過的最明智的事情。|

美妙的南非旅程归来后,发现了一件让我很震惊的事情,卫星国际台(Star World)拿掉了大卫莱特曼主持的大卫深夜秀(港译:大卫牙擦骚)。到底发生了什么?这样做出于什么原因?自高中的时候,我就追着看这个节目了,而且也是 我来到香港之后,唯一感到能和美国流行文化接触的东西了。几年前莱特曼的节目被亚视(ATV)拿掉的 时候,我就吃惊不已。卫星国际重拾这套节目之前的那一个月里,对我这种电视迷来说,真是糟透了。严格说来我也不是看很多电视的人,只是单纯喜欢在深夜静候 他的节目,让自己放松下。而且卫星国际的重播,当时于我就像是久旱已久的沙漠迎来了甘霖一样,很快乐,也很安心。现在卫星国际故技重施,也让我通过午夜秀 场关注世界变得遥不可及了。为什么要这样做?谁这么蠢做了这项执行决议?这个人现在身在何处?我真的想找去他家,然后亲自送上一份“大礼”。你怎么能这样 呢!?无论你是谁,我找到你的时候,你就完蛋了。 我现在所剩的就是这张不怎样的照片了,打算打印出来,放到床头柜上,帮助我在深夜入眠。要是现在有哪位才思敏捷的电视主管看到了 这篇博文,那么就让莱特曼回来吧,这会是你做过的最明智的事情。< /font>|
After coming back from a dreamlike trip to South Africa, I was horrified to find out The Late Show with David Letterman has been canceled off Star World!!! What the hell happened? Why did that happen? I have been watching the Letterman show since I was in high school and it really is my only connection to American pop culture since moving to Hong Kong. When Letterman was canceled from ATV World a couple years ago I was devastated. The month or so that it was off the air before Star World picked it up was probably the worst period of time in my couch potato life. I don't actually watch that much tv but I did enjoy winding down the evening with Letterman every night. When Star World decided to air it, it felt like the first rain on a drought stricken desert. I was so happy and relieved. Now they have dropped it from Star World too and my late night tv watching world has again spun into chaos. Why was this done? Who was the idiot who made this executive decision? Where does this person live? I want to go to his/her house and personally deliver a nice big box of ass whopping. How could you do this to me!? Whoever you are, you are in trouble when I find you.

Now all I have is this lousy photo. I'm going to print it and put it on my bedside table to help me sleep at night. If there is a smart TV exec reading this right now...put Letterman back on, it'll be the smartest thing you do!

大约 14 年 前 0 赞s  70 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
doh! actually CBS puts a lot of his stuff on youtube (all the monologues I think). but yes, I totally was pissed when it was canceled off of broadcast tv!
大约 14 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
HK Chick - Hulu only works in the US. :-(
大约 14 年 ago
Photo 36943
There is always Leno... :) *Just kidding. I wouldn't wish that on you. Are the dish providers in HK that can tap into the American feed?
大约 14 年 ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
I've watched since HS too, used to videotape Dave and Conan and watch it after school. May be you can watch US content online if you get a US proxy.
大约 14 年 ago
I should clarify, Letterman was not canceled off the air. That would be even more stupid. What I mean is that it is no longer being broadcast by any carrier in Hong Kong.
大约 14 年 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005