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The Most Disgusting Product Ever|最令人作嘔的產品|最令人作呕的产品|最悪な飲み物

Recently I have been filming Overheard 2. As requested by director Felix Chong, I have put on 20 pounds muscle for the role which means I have to eat a lot. So much so that I have to take protein supplements to maintain the mass. This product above, however, is taking things a bit too far. Meatwater!? Just looking at the flavors makes me want to vomit. Poached Salmon Salad and Grilled Chicken Salad flavored water? No thanks!


最近﹐我為電影《竊聽風雲2 》做拍攝工作。按照莊文強導演要求﹐我為電影裡的角色增加20 磅﹐即是說我要吃很多食物。現在﹐我吃食物的程度以至於吃蛋白質補充料維持體重。然而﹐以上的產品簡直是太過份了。肉味水!? 看著那些水的味道﹐我都想作嘔了。水煮三文魚沙拉水和烤雞沙拉水的味道? 不用客氣啦!

最近﹐我为电影《窃听风云2 》做拍摄工作。按照庄文强导演要求﹐我为电影裡的角色增加20 磅﹐即是说我要吃很多食物。现在﹐我吃食物的程度以至于吃蛋白质补充料维持体重。然而﹐以上的产品简直是太过份了。肉味水!? 看着那些水的味道﹐我都想作呕了。水煮三文鱼沙拉水和烤鸡沙拉水的味道? 不用客气啦!|

僕は最近は竊聽風雲2の撮影を開始したんだ。監督のフェリックス・チョンの要望でこの役のために20ポンド筋肉をつけたんだよ。つまり、たくさん食べな きゃいけないってことなんだ。それで、僕はこの大量の筋肉を維持するためにプロテイン・サプリメントを摂取しなきゃいけない。それでも上の商品はね、 ちょっとやりすぎ。ミートウォーターだよ!?フレーバーを見ただけでぎょっとしちゃったよ。ポーチド・サーモン・サラダにグリルド・チキン・サラダ味だ よ?嫌だね!

大约 13 年 前 0 赞s  56 评论s  0 shares
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
I wonder if they have a chunky version of the drink with bits of meat floating inside. A drink like that can turn people into vegetarians.
大约 13 年 ago
You're right Landing. I just went to the site and checked out the other flavors. Fish and Chips, Beef Jerky, Cheese Burger, Hungarian Goulash and Liverwurst Sandwich??!?! WTF? Is this real? If so I stand by the title of this blog.
大约 13 年 ago
Photo 22991
sounds gross. for a moment i tot it was the nice vit drink tats newly launched, havent tried tho. yeah, i agree with the rest, u dun have to down this rubbish to gain mass. there are other ways
大约 13 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha ha, Beef Jerky sounds kind of good! for those who are too lazy to chew! :-P
大约 13 年 ago
Photo 70570
Homer Simpson would love this! He would've loved it more when he wanted to reach 300 pounds back then.
大约 13 年 ago
Photo 74817
Ouch! Sorry about that Dan... 加油!
大约 13 年 ago
Photo 74817
Maybe you could try eggs instead...
大约 13 年 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005