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Daniel Wu
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The High Line|High Line 公園|High Line 公园|ハイ・ライン

Just got back from yet another trip to New York. Besides sampling NY's awesome cuisine I made sure to go and check out the newly opened High Line Park. The High Line was originally an elevated train line that serviced the meatpacking district in NY. It was made to help alleviate street level delivery traffic on the west side of town. Unused since the 60's someone had the great idea it into a park instead of tearing it down. It was designed by landscape architects,   James Corner Field Operations and architects, Diller Scofidio + Renfro. It's a wonderful idea for a park. Because it is elevated off the ground it allows unique views of the city that you wouldn't normally get at ground level. Above is the entry at Gansevoort Street.

The High Line snakes through the west side going through buildings. You can still see the old rail tracks peeking through the plants in some parts.

The details are amazing, everything from the concrete to the rusted steel planter boxes are elegantly designed and well thought out. There are plenty of benches and chairs to sit and get away from the city while still being in the city. This nicely designed tanning bed actually sits on the old rail tracks and can be moved along the tracks just in case the guy next to you farts.

From the street, you can see the High Line snaking it's way up town peeking out from the buildings.

Above is an amphitheater like seating area with a giant picture window that looks out onto the street. This is probably my favorite design feature. If you are in NY you should definitely make some time to check this place out. I think cities around the world can learn a lot from this project in terms of how to creatively reuse architectural features that may no longer be useful. It's a perfect way to integrate the new with the old. Often times, city governments don't see the value in preservation so they just tear them down but when something is done right like the High Line, it can add vitality to the city. If you want to learn more about The High Line Park click here |
剛從紐約回來。除了必去品嘗的紐約美食外,我還到新開的 High Line 公園逛了逛。High Line 公園所在地原本是紐約肉類運輸的高架鐵路線,為減輕城市西部繁重的道路運輸而建。自60年代棄用後,有人想到絕佳的點子,將它改造成公園而非拆除。由 James Corner 環境設計公司 和建築師 Diller Scofidio + Renfro 共同設計。

將它建成公園真是絕妙的想法,因為它超出地面的部分讓你領略到平常在地面不曾看到的城市風光。這張就是位於 Gansevoort 街的入口。

High Line 公園蛇形穿梭於城西的高樓中,有些區域還能看到古舊的鐵軌藏臥在植物間隙。



上面這張是一個類似座位區的場所,巨大的觀景窗望向街區,這可能是我最愛的設計式樣。如果你人在紐約,一定要抽時間來看看。我認為全世界的城市都能從這個建設中借鑒到利用廢棄建築功能的再創作經驗,它也是新舊合璧的絕佳例子。一般來說,政府官員看不到保留廢舊建設的價值,於是只想到拆除。但類似 High Line 公園的場所一旦建成,還能為城市活力加分。到 這兒 更多了解 High Line 公園。


刚从纽约回来。除了必去品尝的纽约美食外,我还到新开的 High Line 公园逛了逛。High Line 公园所在地原本是纽约肉类运输的高架铁路线,为减轻城市西部繁重的道路运输而建。自60年代弃用后,有人想到绝佳的点子,将它改造成公园而非拆除。由 James Corner 环境设计公司 和建筑师 Diller Scofidio + Renfro 共同设计。

将它建成公园真是绝妙的想法,因为它超出地面的部分让你领略到平常在地面不曾看到的城市风光。这张就是位于 Gansevoort 街的入口。

High Line 公园蛇形穿梭于城西的高楼中,有些区域还能看到古旧的铁轨藏卧在植物间隙。



上面这张是一个类似座位区的场所,巨大的观景窗望向街区,这可能是我最爱的设计式样。如果你人在纽约,一定要抽时间来看看。我认为全世界的城市都能从这个建设中借鉴到利用废弃建筑功能的再创作经验,它也是新旧合璧的绝佳例子。一般来说,政府官员看不到保留废旧建设的价值,于是只想到拆除。但类似 High Line 公园的场所一旦建成,还能为城市活力加分。到 这儿更多了解 High Line 公园。


またニューヨークから帰ってきたばかりなんだ。ニューヨークの素晴らしい厨房を紹介する代わりに、今回は新しくオープンしたハイ・ライン・パークを紹介し よう。ハイ・ラインはもともとは高架の鉄道で、ニューヨークの精肉業の地域を走っていたんだ。街の西部の交通量の緩和していたんだよ。60年代に廃線に なったのだけど、ある人が名案を思い付いて、衰退させる代わりに公園にしようということになったんだ。ここは景観設計家のジェイムズ・コーナー・フィール ド・オペレーションズと、建築家のダイラー・スコフィディオとレンフロがデザインしたんだ。



細部に至るまで素晴らしい出来で、コンクリートから錆びついた鉄製のプランターまで全て上品にデザインされていて、よく考えられているんだ。ここにはたく さんのベンチや椅子が置かれていて、都市の中にいながらにして都市から外に出ているようになれる。この素敵なデザインの日焼け用ベッドは、本当に古い線路 の上に置いてあって、お隣さんがおならをしたら、この線に沿って動かすこともできるんだ。


上は円形劇場みたいな座れる場所で、道路に面して大きな見晴らし窓があるんだ。これが多分僕が好きなデザインなんだ。もしもニューヨークに行けば、絶対こ こに行くべきだよ。僕が思うに、世界中の都市はこのプロジェクトの創造的な、もはや使い用のない建築物の再利用という点について、多くを学ぶべきだよ。こ れは新しいものと古いものを結びつける完璧な方法なんだ。往々にして役所は保存に重点を置かず、崩壊するだけになってしまう。しかし、ハイラインのように 適切な処置が施されれば、都市の活性化だってできるんだ。もしもハイ・ライン・パークに興味があれば、 こちらをどうぞ

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  72 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, thats pretty cool.
almost 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
restoration is so important. I am actually amazed when i see the Western Market in HK, there's so little of that.
almost 15 years ago
Lady detective with caption
Thanks Daniel, for sharing this. I did not know about it and when I get back to NYC I definitely want to see it. I am so glad they kept it. Each time I got back I miss special places that were there when I lived there. thanks again. Jeanne
almost 15 years ago
Photo 67945
Wish Hong Kong and Chinese people can learn more about this instead of take it down for money!
almost 15 years ago
Celia 4
Do you know that they are going to extend it further?? It is nice that our crowed and stressed city there is a place for ppl to relax.
almost 15 years ago
Photo 80548
Wow, very nice benches!!
almost 15 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
I been waiting for this to open for 3 years now. I would've loved to have been able to trespass up there before all this. It's an amazing disused part of NYC, and it's good to see it put to good use now. Can't wait to visit in September.
almost 15 years ago
Photo 33405
I remember thinking what a cool idea High Line was when I went to an exhibit about it's concept and design a few years back. That's cool that it's actually completed. I'll definitely go check it out the next time I visit NYC.
almost 15 years ago


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