演员, 导演
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Thanks Busan!|多謝,釜山!|多谢,釜山!|Thanks Busan!

I'm on my way to the airport heading back to Beijing after less than 24 hours Busan for the International Film Festival here. Last night was our first official screening for Inseparable starring me, Kevin Spacey and Gong Beibi directed by Dayyan Eng. The screening went well as well as the Q&A session that happened afterwards. We also did some interviews for the Chinese media and generally I think they liked the film a lot. Too bad the press wasn't let in until 20 minutes after the film started. I'm sure if they saw it from the beginning they would have liked it more. I guess they are going to have to wait until our official Chinese premiere later.

Thanks for those who came to see the film and thanks to the Korean fans for you support! If you are in Busan there's another screening tomorrow night, don't miss it! | 我正在去機場的路上要返回北京。我剛在釜山呆了不到24小時,參加這裏舉行的國際電影節。由我、凱文·史派西和龔蓓苾主演, 伍仕賢導演的《形影不離》昨晚首次公映。電影放映,以及此後的問答交流環節都進行得相當順利。我們也接受了一些中國媒體的采訪,我想總體上他們都非常喜歡這部電影。可惜的是,直到電影開映20分鐘後,媒體才被允許入場觀看。如果他們能從頭開始看的話,相信一定會更加喜歡本片了。我猜他們只能等以後我們舉行國內的首映式時再看了。感謝前來觀看本片的朋友們!感謝韓國粉絲們的支持!如果你們在釜山的話,明晚還有一場公映。別錯過!| 我正在去机场的路上要返回北京。我刚在釜山呆了不到24小时,参加这里举行的国际电影节。由我、凯文·史派西和龚蓓苾主演, 伍仕贤导演的《形影不离》昨晚首次公映。电影放映,以及此后的问答交流环节都进行得相当顺利。我们也接受了一些中国媒体的采访,我想总体上他们都非常喜欢这部电影。可惜的是,直到电影开映20分钟后,媒体才被允许入场观看。如果他们能从头开始看的话,相信一定会更加喜欢本片了。我猜他们只能等以后我们举行国内的首映式时再看了。感谢前来观看本片的朋友们!感谢韩国粉丝们的支持!如果你们在釜山的话,明晚还有一场公映。别错过!|I'm on my way to the airport heading back to Beijing after less than 24 hours Busan for the International Film Festival here. Last night was our first official screening for Inseparable starring me, Kevin Spacey and Gong Beibi directed by Dayyan Eng. The screening went well as well as the Q&A session that happened afterwards. We also did some interviews for the Chinese media and generally I think they liked the film a lot. Too bad the press wasn't let in until 20 minutes after the film started. I'm sure if they saw it from the beginning they would have liked it more. I guess they are going to have to wait until our official Chinese premiere later.

Thanks for those who came to see the film and thanks to the Korean fans for you support! If you are in Busan there's another screening tomorrow night, don't miss it!

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45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Nice! Congrats to The entire team!
12 年多 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005