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Salsa Salsa!| 莎莎醬,莎莎醬!| 莎莎酱,莎莎酱!|Salsa Salsa!

Had a day off today from Control because the Hong Kong observatory said it was going to rain. It didn't. Not only that it was a beautiful sunny clear day. The HK observatory is about as reliable as a vintage Italian sports car. Normally as an actor I relish a day off like this but this time as a producer I can't help feel that we wasted a day. So what did I do? I worked on my garden. The basil plants had their run. After about 5 good harvestings, the plants no longer had any flavor so I took them out and replanted new seed. I was also able to harvest the chili peppers today. Tons of them! This picture shows about half of what I collected. I planted the chilies next to some non-spicy green peppers and something funny happened. The chilies cross pollinated with the peppers and now the peppers have turned into big red chilies. My garden turned into a botany experiment! I'll have to separate them next time. After harvesting the chilies I decided to dry some for later, make chili olive oil and finally a nice fresh salsa, perfect for a sunny day like today. | 《控城計》的拍攝中斷了一天給大家放假,因為香港氣象臺預報今天會下雨。結果沒下。而且還是一個艷陽高照的大晴天。香港氣象臺平常可幾乎是跟意大利古董跑車一樣牢靠的。作為一個演員的話,對於這樣的放假我通常會很受用的。但這一回作為制片人,我忍不住會惋惜我們浪費了一天。那麽今天我做了什麽呢?我拾掇了菜園。九層塔有其生命周期。大約豐收了五茬之後,再長出來的就沒什麽味道了。於是我把它們拔掉,重新播了種。今天我還收割了紅辣椒。超多的!這張照片呈現的大概只有今天收獲量的一半。這些紅辣椒我是挨著一些不辣的青椒種的,結果有趣的是紅辣椒跟青椒交叉授粉了,長出了些大個兒的紅辣椒。我的菜園變成植物試驗田了!下回我可得把它們分開點兒種。摘了這麽多辣椒,我決定留一些曬幹了以後用;還有一些做成辣椒橄欖油;其余的制成了新鮮的莎莎醬。完美的一個艷陽天。

| 《控城计》的拍摄中断了一天给大家放假,因为香港气象台预报今天会下雨。结果没下。而且还是一个艳阳高照的大晴天。香港气象台平常可几乎是跟意大利古董跑 车一样牢靠的。作为一个演员的话,对于这样的放假我通常会很受用的。但这一回作为制片人,我忍不住会惋惜我们浪费了一天。那么今天我做了什么呢?我拾掇了 菜园。九层塔有其生命周期。大约丰收了五茬之后,再长出来的就没什么味道了。于是我把它们拔掉,重新播了种。今天我还收割了红辣椒。超多的!这张照片呈现 的大概只有今天收获量的一半。这些红辣椒我是挨着一些不辣的青椒种的,结果有趣的是红辣椒跟青椒交叉授粉了,长出了些大个儿的红辣椒。我的菜园变成植物试 验田了!下回我可得把它们分开点儿种。摘了这么多辣椒,我决定留一些晒干了以后用;还有一些做成辣椒橄榄油;其余的制成了新鲜的莎莎酱。完美的一个艳阳 天。

| Had a day off today from Control because the Hong Kong observatory said it was going to rain. It didn't. Not only that it was a beautiful sunny clear day. The HK observatory is about as reliable as a vintage Italian sports car. Normally as an actor I relish a day off like this but this time as a producer I can't help feel that we wasted a day. So what did I do? I worked on my garden. The basil plants had their run. After about 5 good harvestings, the plants no longer had any flavor so I took them out and replanted new seed. I was also able to harvest the chili peppers today. Tons of them! This picture shows about half of what I collected. I planted the chilies next to some non-spicy green peppers and something funny happened.The chilies cross pollinated with the peppers and now the peppers have turned into big red chilies. My garden turned into a botany experiment! I'll have to separate them next time. After harvesting the chilies I decided to dry some for later, make chili olive oil and finally a nice fresh salsa, perfect for a sunny day like today.

11 年多 前 0 赞s  39 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ay carumba!
11 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
is that Salsa made from your peppers? i can't handle anything that spicy. :-P
11 年多 ago
Calysar c6 1388497013335
Salsa is also great with chunks of avocado, for people who need an alternative to chips--just remove the skin, cut the avocado into half-inch blocks, dip in salsa, and enjoy!
11 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ps - if you put any of your salsa in jars, please send one over to the AnD office. the second pic is making me hungry. :-P
11 年多 ago
Photo 40039
11 年多 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005