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Safari | 狩獵旅行

So I've finally had some time to go through the photos I took from this South Africa trip. There are a lot so I'm gonna have to break this blog about my trip into three parts. This is the Safari part and will probably be the most interesting to animal lovers, Discovery Channel freaks and carnivores(you'll see why in a sec).

The first stop on the trip was the Tanda Tula Lodge in the Timba Vate private game reserve on the edge of Krueger National Park. I have been on Safari before but this time I wanted to get the real bush experience. Tanda Tula puts all of their guests in tents rather than an actual lodge. This way you are right in the bush with all the sites sounds and smells right there all around you. Animals can literally walk right up to your tent if you're lucky enough. We were taken on two game drives a day, one at 6 am and another at 4pm. These are optimal animal viewing times because they hide away from the heat of the day. What surprises most first time safari goers is actually how close you can actually get to the animals, especially the predatory animals. My Mom was very scared as Lions and Elephants passed within feet of the jeep. The rangers' explanation is they see the large topless jeep as one large and harmless entity so they do not feel threatened by them. Also these animals have grown accustomed to these jeeps following them around. That said, if you step out of the jeep,you're looking to become mince meat. I guess the goal of every safari trip is to see the big five. The big five are Elephant, Rhino, Buffalo, Leopard and Lion. My last safari I didn't see the Leopard but I did see a kill, which was a pride of Lionesses catching and killing a large Kudu, which is like a big deer. I filmed this but haven't had time to put it on the site. It was gruesome but fascinating at the same time. I'll post it when I get a chance. Here's a Lion we saw the first evening eating a buffalo. The buffalo must have been dead for a couple days because the stench of rotten meat was horrible. This photo was taken from about 20 feet away and in low light thus the blurriness. Last time we missed the Leopard but this time we saw one the first day. He was sleeping on the edge of a dry river bank. When we came back the next morning, he was eating this gazelle breakfast.

His spots were so amazing and I was lucky to get some nice golden sunlight to enhance the photo.

Elephants are amazing creatures. Usually you only see them in the Zoo or shackled down for tourists to take a ride on. But when you see them in the wild in their natural environment eating, playing and bathing, you really get to see them as the graceful animals that they are. Especially this cute little baby.

But even these seemingly gentle giants can become fierce. This Moma got protective of her clan and made a charge for us because my Dad was talking too loud. Luckily our tracker Phillip banged on the hood of the car and stopped the charge about 2 feet from the car. When elephants stick their ears out like that, it means they're pissed off.

Rhinos are really cool too. They really look prehistoric from head to toe. On this trip, the Rhino was proving to be elusive. We spent most of our last morning trying to find one to complete the big five sighting. We had to do some serious off-roading through the bush to catch up to this one.

Also on the last morning we followed a pride of Lions that was being tracked down by this male Lion. This beautiful male was waiting for the right opportunity to attack and fight the adolescent male of the pride to kick him out and take over.

You might think this is cruel and unfair but the adolescent male of this pride is also the brother of these lionesses so he needs to go, otherwise inbreeding occurs.

Incest is not best. This pic kinda reminds me of Lust Caution.

We waited for over an hour but no fight . The tension was thick!

If you ever get a chance to go on safari, do it. It might change your life and it definitely will change the way you look at the world and maybe even inspire you to take some measures to take better care of this planet so beautiful creatures like these can continue on living in freedom.



終於有時間回顧這次非洲之旅拍攝的照片。太多了,我要把這個博客分成三部分來寫。這是狩獵旅行部分,動物愛好者、探索頻道發燒友和喜歡食肉動物(馬上你就知道為什麽)的人對這部分會最感興趣。PREFIX = O / 旅程的第一個停留點是 唐韃圖拉旅館,在Krueger國家公園旁的Timba Vate私人動物保護區中。我以前參加過狩獵旅行,但這次我想要一次真正的灌木叢歷險經歷。Tanda Tula讓所有客人呆在帳篷裏而不是真正的旅館中。你身在灌木叢中,能感察到周圍不遠的聲響和氣味。如果夠幸運,動物們真的會經過你的帳篷。每天我們兩次出去看動物,一次是早上6點,一次是下午4點。這是觀賞動物的最佳時間,因為他們需要躲避日熱。

























终于有时间回顾这次非洲之旅拍摄的照片。太多了,我要把这个博客分成三部分来写。这是狩猎旅行部分,动物爱好者、探索频道发烧友和喜欢食肉动物(马上你就知道为什么)的人对这部分会最感兴趣。 旅程的第一个停留点是 唐鞑图拉旅馆,在Krueger国家公园旁的Timba Vate私人动物保护区中。我以前参加过狩猎旅行,但这次我想要一次真正的灌木丛历险经历。Tanda Tula让所有客人呆在帐篷里而不是真正的旅馆中。你身在灌木丛中,能感察到周围不远的声响和气味。如果够幸运,动物们真的会经过你的帐篷。每天我们两次出去看动物,一次是早上6点,一次是下午4点。这是观赏动物的最佳时间,因为他们需要躲避日热。










近亲繁殖并非最佳遗传。这张照片让我想起《色戒》。 我们等了一个多小时,没有发生争斗。气氛很紧张!


接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  77 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yeah my mom wants me to go with her sometime... i dunno about watching lion's bone each other while you're waiting for one to attack... a bit abnormal...
接近 16 年 ago
You are so lucky. The last time I went there, the group of us waited for a day and we didn't any lions at all... jealous...
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 65978
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 23631
looks like an amazing trip! great pics, how far are you away from the animals when you took them? peace, angelita
接近 16 年 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005