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Daniel Wu
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Race in America | 美國種族問題 | 美国种族问题

I am not trying to turn my blog into a political thing. You all know I'm pro-Obama anyway, but I finally had time to sit down and listen to this speech. It is brilliant because it underlies the true problem with America that no one had the balls nor the clout to speak about before. Obama handled it brilliantly speaking straight from the heart, honest and pure, which further confirmed my support for him. You can argue that Obama's too much of an idealist, focusing on generalities rather than specifics but in this speech he nails his point on race in America as the key to fixing most of our problems. (And at least he's not lying about being shot at by snippers to prove he understands international policy like Clinton just did. What a strange way to embellish a story.) You can watch this incredible speech here.

Oh yes, and if you are an American Ex-pat working or living overseas get your absentee ballot here.

| 我並不想把博客變成政治宣傳。你們都知道我支持奧巴馬,但我終於有時間坐下來,聽他的演講。這段演講非常精彩,直面大家避而不談的美國種族問題。奧巴馬談得很好,直擊核心,誠實而不加渲染,這讓我更加堅定地支持他。有人說奧巴馬過於理想主義,華而不實。但這個演講中,他牢牢堅持自己的觀點,那就是美國的種族問題其實是美國大部分問題的關鍵。到 這兒欣賞精彩演說。對了,如果你是工作、生活在海外的美國人,到 這裏投票。

| 我并不想把博客变成政治宣传。你们都知道我支持奥巴马,但我终于有时间坐下来,听他的演讲。这段演讲非常精彩,直面大家避而不谈的美国种族问题。奥巴马谈得很好,直击核心,诚实而不加渲染,这让我更加坚定地支持他。有人说奥巴马过于理想主义,华而不实。但这个演讲中,他牢牢坚持自己的观点,那就是美国的种族问题其实是美国大部分问题的关键。到 这儿欣赏精彩演说。对了,如果你是工作、生活在海外的美国人,到 这里投票。

over 16 years ago 0 likes  29 comments  0 shares
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Hey Dan, it's brave of you to post political material on your page and I commend you for doing it! This goes to show how careless her campaign team is because she losing ground and the "super" delegates are slowly moving towards Obama. I would've loved to see an Obama/Clinton campaign for the presidential race in 08 but she just sunk that ship! haha ; )
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
cool, i just got my form filled out! thanks for making it too easy for me to neglect it any longer!
over 16 years ago
Photo 23886
hell yeah.
over 16 years ago


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