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Life on Crutches | 拐杖生活 |拐杖生活

Life on crutches sucks. The next two months is gonna be a big pain in the ass, I predict. The other day I went to Kmart to get some supplies. I was confronted by a mentally disabled guy who suggested I get one of those electric carts to cruise around the store with. While I was waiting for the cart, the guy started to tell me how he became the way he was. Turns out when he was 16 he got jumped by 20 guys. He said the only thing he remembers is a baseball bat coming down on his head, arms and legs. The beating put him in a coma for four and a half years. I guess being on crutches ain’t so bad. On top of all that he told me about his African Gray parrot who can sing almost any Bob Marley song. I told him he should shoot it and put it up on youtube. I’m thinking of going back there to help him do that. I would love to see his parrot sing “No Woman No Cry”.

Never thought I'd be driving one of these around. My Mom kept trying to steal it from me.

Today I went to The Museum Of Natural History with Lisa. She had to push me around in a wheel chair with a bad front wheel. The museum is not as cool as I remembered as a kid. I don’t remember the stuffed animals looking so dusty and fake. The gems where cool but the rooms and rooms full of fake animals were really lame. Seems with the high ticket prices they could at least get someone to dust off those diaramas. I think I’ll be hitting the Met or the Moma sometime this week.

| 枴杖上的生活可真難受,預計接下來的 2個月屁股一定會很痛。前幾天去超市買生活用品,碰到一個精神智障的傢夥建議我找輛電力車逛超市,在我等電力車時,他開始跟我講他是怎麼變現在這樣子的,原來他 16歲時被 20個人打,他說隻記得當時有根棒球棍打在腦袋、胳膊和腿上,這次挨打讓他昏迷了 4年半。看來枴杖上的生活還不算最壞的。他還告訴我,他的非洲灰鸚鵡會唱所有 Bob Marley的歌,我告訴他可以錄下來傳到 Youtube上,其實我很想回去幫他錄這個,因為非常想看到他的鸚鵡唱 "No Woman No Cry"。 沒想過我會這樣開著電力車在超市裏逛。我媽媽總想從我這偷走它。

今天和 Lisa去 了自然歷史博物館,她不得不用有隻前輪壞掉的輪椅推著我走。博物館不象小時侯記憶裏那麼酷了,我不記得那些塞得鼓鼓的動物標本看起來那麼臟那麼假。寶石很 漂亮,但幾屋子滿滿的假動物真是難看。收這麼貴的門票,他們至少要讓人把灰塵弄乾淨吧。這周我要抽時間去紐約大都會藝術博物館或現代美術博物館看看。

2个月屁股一定会很痛。前几天去超市买生活用品,碰到一个精神智障的家伙建议我找辆电力车逛超市,在我等电力车时,他开始跟我讲他是怎么变现在这样子的,原来他 16岁时被 20个人打,他说只记得当时有根棒球棍打在脑袋、胳膊和腿上,这次挨打让他昏迷了 4年半。看来拐杖上的生活还不算最坏的。他还告诉我,他的非洲灰鹦鹉会唱所有 Bob Marley的歌,我告诉他可以录下来传到 Youtube上,其实我很想回去帮他录这个,因为非常想看到他的鹦鹉唱 "No Woman No Cry"。


今天和 Lisa去 了自然历史博物馆,她不得不用有只前轮坏掉的轮椅推着我走。博物馆不象小时侯记忆里那么酷了,我不记得那些塞得鼓鼓的动物标本看起来那么脏那么假。宝石很 漂亮,但几屋子满满的假动物真是难看。收这么贵的门票,他们至少要让人把灰尘弄干净吧。这周我要抽时间去纽约大都会艺术博物馆或现代美术博物馆看看。

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  107 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
great pics. at least you get to enjoy all those handicapped services now. too bad you're in ny w/o a car.
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 22991
thx for posting those cute pics of you. Wishing you a speedy recovery~God bless!
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 23398
just read about your accident. But you're young, shouldn't take long for you to heal. Btw, I'm helping out Russell Wong's nephew, Nick on his short film in July. Cool family style story. hope u have a fast recovery, superman.
接近 17 年 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005