craig leeson
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How much fun is making music! I mean, seriously! It's as much fun as you can possibly have with your clothes on (though that's always optional!).

Whilst I've published cds of music compositions for commercial use (such as documentaries and tv commercials, etc), I've only recently discovered that there's nothing quite like the experience of recording with a band.

Going through this incredibly creative experience for the first time in the past two weeks with the eclectic members that make up our very, very serious m...Read more

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares


The Pirate Doris, aka, Crazy Curl Tot, aka Tanya Bennett,  will be showcasing her fabulous artistic talent at tonight's Speak Up event at M1NT. The woman is not only a great sort, but incredibly talented when it comes to paint, brushes, pencils, paper, photoshop, canvas and other related arts shizzle.

She is also the genius behind the comic book series The Fabulous Adventures of Pirate Doris and The Mighty Surf N Turf and sketched the picture which I now use as my profile.

Uranus - that enigma of rock bands - now has a new r...Read more

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Finding Nemo

I must admit, I'm a bit of a sucker when it comes to all creatures great and small. My poor, long suffering parents literally had their home turned into an animal hospital when I was growing up on the beach at Ocean Vista. I rescued everything from storm battered albatross to little rat kangaroos that we called "springy things". The odd fairy penguin also found itself in the Leeson outpatients ward. None of this included the list of pets we had collected. At one stage the back yard contained a sheep called Ink Spot, a basset hound ...Read more

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares



I'm starting a campaign to get our band, Uranus, voted as the opening act for Linkin Park in Macau in September.

Now, this could be your only chance to have Uranus open up for Linkin Park, so please take this campaign seriously ;+).

 We need your vote at this link at the Alive Not Dead website to put us on stage with the legendary L P.


Let's get Uranus across the line.

Join the c...Read more

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

Uranus Live!

It's never safe out there in the world of music unless someone's got Uranus covered!

The world's favourite intergallatic rock band is back on stage this Friday night, rocking it out in the name of charity.

Come down to the Melting Pot at No. 1-5 Elgin St. throw some money at the AmCham people on the door and be treated to three bands for three hours and an open bar. That's right - as much as you can drink for a paltry sum of money (about 300 bucks I think) which ends up in the hands of local charities.

Wh...Read more

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

Wombles of Wimbledon

I have just returned from a week in good ol' Blighty and must say there are very few places in the world that are as fabulous as London in summer.

The amazing number of parks and gardens, immaculately kept, are the perfect playground for locals and tourists. Unlike in Hong Kong, people can romp and play on the grass, eat their lunch, jog, walk their dogs and play ball. It's so easy to sneak across from the office or the hotel, take a sandwich and a drink, and just lay on the grass and watch the passing parade.

and...Read more

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

ISHK Awards Presentation

Tonight's the big night. The winners in the five catagories will be announced and their awards and statuettes presented.

And if Wednesday night's Red Carpet opening night screening is anything to go by, we are going to rock the house down at the big W Hotel.

The opening night screening was a jammed packed full house and the audience responded very vocally to each and every film.

The vibe at the after party at W Hotel with the red carpet and big studio lighting and DJ Swami busting the grooves was tres ...Read more

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

The I Shot Hong Kong finish line looms large

Several years ago I made a documentary on the tough Melbourne to Hobart yacht race. Yachties battle the shallows of Bass Straight in their tiny offshore racers before heading down the turbulent West Coast of Tasmania where they are hit by the Roaring Forties - a wind force that comes straight off the Antarctic and hits their boats like a sledgehammer. Interviewing the winner after a gruelling four days at sea (He looked like he'd just fought Mike Tyson) I asked him what it felt like to compete in such a tortuo...Read more

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares


The Ocean Vista Films office is bedlam. There is Red camera equipment strewn everywhere, new Apple editing decks, laptops, wire, widgets and whatnots filling every crevice and crack. On top of all that are the eager independent filmmakers swooping in, flicking switches, rifling through manuals, pulling things apart, putting them back together, drawing shot lists, drawing lighting lists, making coffee lists, asking questions, advice, laughing, cavorting...IT'S MIND BLOWING.

Such is the game from now until the screenings of the Ocean Vista F...Read more

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

I Shot Hong Kong Independent Film Festival latest

The first screening dates for the ISHK Independent Film Festival have been announced - July 1 to July 5 at the Grand Cinema, Elements.

The parties are going to rock the house . Be sure to book early for the Red Carpet Opening Night Screening and after party at the W Hotel on July 1 because there's limited seats.

Then, on July 3, the VIP dinner and Wrap party will include the awards presentations, djs, live performances by international RnB artist Shairah, and the first live performance of ...Read more

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares



Hong Kong
June 16, 2008