Official Artist
Conroy Chan
Actor , Producer , Rapper
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Peace hommies,

just something for you guys to check out!

ufo's is always something I like to read and check out!

| 和平,朋友們

想給你們看一些東西! 我很喜歡了解關於UFO的事件!

| 和平,朋友们

想给你们看一些东西! 我很喜欢了解关于UFO的事件!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As-wYmFYb3I&mode=related&search= space shuttle footage released on tv.. no mocking up here!!

| 電視裏播放了飛碟事件…不是開玩笑!! | 电视里播放了飞碟事件…不是开玩笑!!

Video: Read more

about 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

what's up everybody.. yeah it's been a loong time!!|大家好嗎…好久沒寫博客了!!

old video of dan skating at he's best.. haha!!

| Dan原先玩滑板時的最佳狀態…哈哈!| Dan原先玩滑板时的最佳状态…哈哈!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fcd2X3DE-pE This is nigel ong's new skate training video I help produce!

| 這是我幫忙出品的nigel ong新滑板教學錄象! | 这是我帮忙出品的nigel ong新滑板教学录象!

Video: http://www.youtube.com...Read more

about 17 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares

Re: Peace and cooking recipes | 回復:和平以及烹飪方法

Peace boys and girls,

Hope everyone is chillin well!!

Things have been.. well.. busy.. as usual!!

In the post production of the 24 herbs album!!

Should be out soon!!

Last week and a bit has been quite mad!!

Was in Korea having meetings with "old boys" producer,

Week before we had hommie: Jin and Carl in town doing the armani bar show!!

Dope show!!!! Respect tou Pook Gai!!

Really happy to have producer Ted Chung from Snoop Doggy Do...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  23 comments  0 shares

re: I'm free to write.. downloaded firefox!! | 回復:我現在可以寫啦…下載了firefox!!

Finally my hands a free and I can write!!

Downloaded Firefox!!!Hope everyone's been chillin!!!

Was in L.A. having meetings and even got to go to Asian Excellence Awards!!

Giant Robot store.. need to buy more!!!

Love Chateau Marmond.. Chillin!!!!

Good to see you heads there!!

Back in HK now filming with Sylvia Chang and getting the 24 Herbs album finished!!

Respect the Pook Gai!



| 總算讓我能寫字...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  26 comments  0 shares

Paul Wong Let's fight Concert: We fought and Won | 黃貫中Let's fight演唱會:我們戰鬥至勝!

What can I say but congratulations to all involved in the "Let fight"

concert!! It was such a dope weekend.. so much fun and so much needed!!!

With the turnout over the weekend.. it was a major sucess!!

All the bands played they're hearts out!! Pure raw energy!!

So good to see all the groups all playing together!!

Well done Paul, Johnny, Sik and the whole crew!! Mass effort!!

All the bands hit they're straps...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

I left my heart and appetite in San Francisco!!!! 我把心和胃口留在了三藩!!!!

I left my heart in San Francisco!!!!

Wow.. that was a trip that blew my mind away!!!

Reminded me so much of Melbourne!!

Great people, great food, great place!!!

Definitely will go back!!! 

Thanks to Terence and Daniel.. got to be with a local, 

which is my ethos in visiting places!!!

You've never been to a place until you roll with the locals!!

Zachery's-world's best Pizza!!!!!

Top Dog-one fine hot dog!!!

...Read more
over 17 years ago 0 likes  30 comments  0 shares

I left my heart and appetite in san francisco

over 17 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares

What a trip!!.. Still Trippin!!! Welcome all!

Wooooowww!!! Still trippin since this project started a couple of years ago!!

From 4 homies becoming a boy/man band to an independent film project to an artistic community!!

This is just the beginning!!!

Welcome everyone to alivenotdead.com site!!!!

We are so delighted to have you guys join our family!!!!

Where do we start..

Big thanks to the alivenotdead.com<...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  18 comments  0 shares

To the future, 2007 and beyond! | 新年快樂!!

Alive singing songs has finally come to a closure!!

A great time with Brothers!

In the coming year alivenotdead.com will transpire into a larger community!

more interaction, more creation, more crazier projects!

Alive spirit is eternal!!

continue to think, speak and do what is you!









almost 18 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

losers!! | 失敗者!!

Peace y'all,

Did skinny dan call us losers?

Anyway hope everyone is chillin! Things have certainly been getting back to some sort of normality! Need to fly these next couple of months though! will be in the US mainly in Nov/Dec. Just started recording a new tv prog. with Ng Gwan Yue on cable tv! A program talking about big kids, growing up!! Tmrw we'll be interviewing Terence and Andrew.. any questions you want to ask them about growing up?

Starting to lay down tracks for my new rap group 24 herbs!! Yes this i...Read more

about 18 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares



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Member Since
December 15, 2006