Official Artist
Christopher Lay
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Confessions of an Artist

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I’ve a confession to make, and I know for some of you this is going to be hard. I’ve been cheating on alivenotdead.com.No, no, it’s okay. Take a moment. Let it sink in.

A few months ago, I was approached to write a column for , a magazine devoted to life in Beijing for people with, you guessed it, kids. Beijing Baba is a regular column in the monthly magazine that is shared by two writers. When the editors found themselves short one father, they searched for a competent, sane writer with kids. Failing in that effort, they contacted me. I know this will chafe some of you, my writing a bi-monthly column and a blog simultaneously, but try to understand, I’m only doing it for the children.All seriousness aside, if you are interested in the paternal aspect of my life, you can check out the latest story I wrote for the September issue by clicking the link here.And while I’m on the topic of confessions, I’m also about to take a 10-day trip to Boracay to see if it really does have one of the greatest beaches on earth. That, and I felt AnD needed more beach photos. It will be a hardship. One that I will gladly endure for you. And the children.EndFragment

about 15 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares
aw man..the beach! let me at it!!
about 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
way to take one for the team!
about 15 years ago


Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. - Will C.

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english, spanish
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Beijing, China
Member Since
July 16, 2007