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it's been awhile

......it's been awhile since my last post...  a lot had happened and at the same time nothing much...just went to NYC for Thanksgiving and met up with some friends, including Emily Woo Zeller from the site  watched Promises Promises with Sean Hayes (Jack from Will and Grace ) and Kristin Chenoweth. THEN Mc D for Thanksgiving Day....LOLbut then..... back to the good old routine has been way harder ...Read more

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just a causal shoot-sneak peek

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Candy Lo Dance Reel

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7Y99128OUs

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imagine, if we can all spend 11 mins a day everyday to care about others and love the world.... say from today 11/11/11 on for ......an year........ how much better would the world be??? please join : http://www.facebook.com/pages/World-Peace-111111-Together-We-Can-Make-a-Difference/175050632510473Thanks Mel for the wonderful idea of making the world a better place for all of us ...God bless 

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Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdaldmYzRew

接近 14 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


Ever tried holding sand in your hand?The harder you try, the faster it goesThe faster it goes, the harder you holdThen before you realize, it’s gone,It’s all goneYou look at your now tightly held empty fistFeeling the cramp in your wrist, wonderWhere did it all go?Or was it just a deluded jokeBut the cramp is realAnd the pain just drills Yet you can’t loose anything that was never yoursYou could swear, curse the fates,But when it comes to the end,You have to let goRead more

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hormone, we gotta talk

Hormone hormone hormoneWe need to talkYou can’t just barge in whenever you want And ruin my mindI mean I know that we have our appointmentBut heyYou are not my only guest of the day,Don’t mention the weekI don’t have time for you and your little mind gameI mean, thanks for showing up andI appreciate that you are hardly ever lateBut hey, you can’t be so needyYou can’t be this manipulative and make it all about youI acknowledge your existenceAnd yes I see youI even feel you for your sakeNow just find a corner and sit quietlyBecause there...Read more

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No one but you (only the good die young)

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A3A5AfNdZM

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dug out some old stuff....

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zb0pl5LLGUU

接近 14 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


www.candylo-hangyin.com www.alivenotdead.com/candylo www.facebook.com/candylohy www.twitter.com/candylohangyin www.weibo.com/candylohangyin www.tudou.com/h


United States
March 26, 2008