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growing up..... transforming

Oh well..... time to grow up and finally be responsible to MY life....and stop waiting for Price Charming to come and resucre me....

SO....what happened is..... i bought myself a ring!!!! a ring with lots of 福 (blessing) engraved on the side....  a ring that i've always wanted, a ring to remind myself the love i have for myself, and f...Read more

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shooting with Jacky Cheung

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HLMkunOy8s Hey

I got a chance to work with Jacky Cheung and he's soooo professional and nice :>

check out 6:30 of the clip


大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

SIlly Billy Me

So today,,,,, i started off my day by watching Ironman at 930am !!!!!! ( Yup after my heavy night in Stanley which i got home aftermidnight and stayed up till after 4am) the movie was great.... adn the best thing is that I watched with 2 peolpe who  love me a lot in the world- my dance teacher and his partner


then I did something stupid AGAIN..... I swear I'm normally a lot smarter just .... there must be something wrong with me recently Read more

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Stanley Stanley Stanley


Guess waht i did yeaterday???? Yup it was my day off and Yup I was in Stanley :P

and guess what ?? I was there in the same restaurant , the same spot for almost 12 hours

I ended up dragging my...Read more

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my TVC

YEAH!!!!! the TVC i did few weeks back is out!!!!

not too sure how to add that on my video yet ... so check it out thru the link below please

hope you can spot me

English Version

Chinese...Read more

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what more can anyone ask for?

What more can you ask for  when you go to work and then realising that you are off at 3pm, you're getting a haif day off!!!!!

so i went to TST and had my glass of wine and salad on a rooftop of Harbour City, an amazing place both at night and in the afternoon. 

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大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

stupid me

talking about inspiration lake, silly stupid me got a minor concussion during the shoot..... sitting on the grass thinking there was to be just grass behind me, so i leaned back and landed on a .....HUGH ROCK!!!!!! i got blacked out for a split of a second, it hurts man..... trying  hard to swallow my tears as i didn't want the others to give me more attention to embarress me even more than the way i felt Read more

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went to inspiration lake for a shoooting  today ... OHHHH MY GOD it’s SOOOOOOOOO nice there.

always wanted to go but never found the time. just wish i’ve discovered this place earlier and had bought my loved ones there....

i know you’ll LOVE it there :>

and the weather was sooooo sunny today… no sign of black rain from last night at all.....

i miss YOU

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傳 道 書 Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

3:1 [hb5] 凡 事 都 有 定 期 、 天 下 萬 務 都 有 定 時 .

[kjv] To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

3:2 [hb5] 生 有 時 、 死 有 時 . 栽 種 有 時 、 拔 出 所 栽 種 的 、 也 有 時 .

[kjv] A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3:3 [hb5] 殺 戮 有 時 、 醫 治 有 時 . 拆 毀 有 時 、 建 造 有 時 .

[kjv] A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

3:4 [hb5] 哭 有 時 、 笑 有 時 . 哀 慟 有 時 、 跳 舞 有 時 .

<...Read more
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by the sea in Stanley

i'm sitting for the sea in Stanley, having my little 'me time'  it' s sooooo calming here and that i'm sooooo glad that i've frineds all over the world who cares about me. and they'll never left me alone when i need them....it's such a blessing.... i miss you all guys :> thanks


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United States
March 26, 2008