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Running and Racing

When's the last time you laced up your running shoes, signed up for a road race, and ran as fast as you can??  If not in a long time or Never, then you might wanna consider it because in some deranged, pugilistic sort-of-way, it was actually fun.

Early this morning, I went out to participate in my first 10K race in almost two decades. Way back in high school, I used to run on the cross country team so I figured I'd be able to handle the distance and pace even though I haven't trained for a very long time.  Sure, I still get out and pound the roads of Singapore now and again, but running this ten kilometer race was challenging, inspiring, and depressing all at the same time. 

I've been asked and invited to run in various road races in Singapore throughout the years, but I've always politely turned them down.  I don't know why, but I finally figured it was time to see just how much slower I am now than I was back way back when I was more than a mere "jogger."  During my competitive running days, I could complete a 10K in about 36-38 minutes.  This morning, it took me 45:10 to reach the finish line.  And with the way I was feeling after the third or fourth kilometer, I'm even surprised I made it to the end.  I have a new found respect for all the older individuals who have maintained their fitness and discipline...and passed my oxygen-deprived, lactic acid burning butt along the way.  This afternoon, my heart rate is still racing, which goes to show me that my body is seriously trying to recover from my exertion earlier today.  At the very least, I know where I stand today...and what I need to do to achieve my personal goals. 

Speaking of running and racing, there's another "race" that will be coming your way sooner than you think.  I can't really disclose exactly when and where, but I'm sure you'll be hearing news about it so look up in the sky cuz we might just be flying into a country near you! 

Whoops...My head got left out of it this one! 

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  13 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, crazy height!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 87127
Do you have some springs under your feet??? thats like super high jump
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 32914
that be some serious air AW! Air Wu? hey, i'm going to be in singapore probably around some time in October - we'll have to hang!
接近 16 年 ago


Come see my website at: www.wulander.com Wow! I think I'm finally catchin on to this Internet


November 7, 2007