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In support of the Rescue and Recovery Efforts in Japan|支持日本賑災及重建|支持日本赈灾及重建|In support of the Rescue and Recovery Efforts in Japan

From Jet Li's blog about the Red Cross effort in JapanAs we have done in the past with the 2008 Sichuan earthquake recovery,  we would like to ask all the alivenotdead.com community to do anything they can to help support the rescue and recovery effort for the March 11th Earthquake and Tsunami off the coast of Northeastern Japan.

We have been very lucky,  so far it appears that all of our Japan based-artists and users have written blogs to tell their friends, family and fans that they are OK, even our former alivenotdead.com intern who was working very near Sendai, one of the hardest hit areas of the quake zone.

From Kazuya Shimizu in Tokyo Also Taiwan-based artist Lydia Kuan shared her first hand experience in Tokyo on the day of the quake in her blog, photos and video here:

http://www.alivenotdead.com/lydiakuan/The-quake-that-hit-us-in-Tokyo-11-3-2011-profile-1188242.html Thanks to everyone who shared their information and experiences!

And again, we'd l like to share information on where you can donate to the recovery efforts -

Hong Kong Red Cross Donation Page - https://donation2.redcross.org.hk/onlinedonation/user_donation.asp

China Red Cross Donation Page- http://www.redcross.org.cn/jzrx/fwrx/201004/t20100402_35619.html

US Red Cross Donation Page - https://american.redcross.org/site/SPageServer?ssubsrc=RCOBigRedButton&pagename=ntldmain&ssrc=RSG000000000


李連傑部落格的照片:紅十字會在日本 如早前在2008 年為四川地震賑災一樣,我們希望aliveno tdead.com的每一位成員都盡自己的能力,為日本東北3 月13 日地震和海嘯後的賑災及重建工作出一分力。幸運地, 我們全部在日本的藝人和用戶們都有在自己的部落格中向親人、 朋友和粉絲們報平安,包括現於仙台附近工作的一名aliveno tdead.com前實習生。

取自東京的Kazuya Shimizu 在台灣的藝人Lydia Kuan 分享了她在東京時地震當日的經歷。這是她的部落格、 相片和視頻: http://www.alivenotdead.com/lydiakuan/The-quake-that-hit-us-in-Tokyo-11-3-2011-profile-1188242.html多謝各位分享他們的資料和經歷!同時,我們希望和各位分享一些為賑災籌款的資訊:香港紅十字會:https://donation2.redcross.org.hk/onlinedonation/user_donation.asp中國紅十字會:http://www.redcross.org.cn/jzrx/fwrx/201004/t20100402_35619.html美國紅十字會:https://american.redcross.org/site/SPageServer?ssubsrc=RCOBigRedButton&pagename=ntldmain&ssrc=RSG000000000 | 李连杰部落格的照片:红十字会在日本 如早前在2008 年为四川地震赈灾一样,我们希望aliveno tdead.com的每一位成员都尽自己的能力,为日本东北3 月13 日地震和海啸后的赈灾及重建工作出一分力。幸运地, 我们全部在日本的艺人和用户们都有在自己的部落格中向亲人、 朋友和粉丝们报平安,包括现于仙台附近工作的一名aliveno tdead.com前实习生。

取自东京的Kazuya Shimizu 在台湾的艺人Lydia Kuan 分享了她在东京时地震当日的经历。这是她的部落格、 相片和视频: http://www.alivenotdead.com/lydiakuan/The-quake-that-hit-us-in-Tokyo-11-3-2011-profile-1188242.html多谢各位分享他们的资料和经历!同时,我们希望和各位分享一些为赈灾筹款的资讯:香港红十字会:https://donation2.redcross.org.hk/onlinedonation/user_donation.asp中国红十字会:http://www.redcross.org.cn/jzrx/fwrx/201004/t20100402_35619.html美国红十字会:https://american.redcross.org/site/SPageServer?ssubsrc=RCOBigRedButton&pagename=ntldmain&ssrc=RSG000000000 | From Jet Li's blog about the Red Cross effort in JapanAs we have done in the past with the 2008 Sichuan earthquake recovery,  we would like to ask all the alivenotdead.com community to do anything they can to help support the rescue and recovery effort for the March 11th Earthquake and Tsunami off the coast of Northeastern Japan.

We have been very lucky,  so far it appears that all of our Japan based-artists and users have written blogs to tell their friends, family and fans that they are OK, even our former alivenotdead.com intern who was working very near Sendai, one of the hardest hit areas of the quake zone.

From Kazuya Shimizu in Tokyo Also Taiwan-based artist Lydia Kuan shared her first hand experience in Tokyo on the day of the quake in her blog, photos and video here:

http://www.alivenotdead.com/lydiakuan/The-quake-that-hit-us-in-Tokyo-11-3-2011-profile-1188242.html Thanks to everyone who shared their information and experiences!

And again, we'd l like to share information on where you can donate to the recovery efforts -

Hong Kong Red Cross Donation Page - https://donation2.redcross.org.hk/onlinedonation/user_donation.asp

China Red Cross Donation Page- http://www.redcross.org.cn/jzrx/fwrx/201004/t20100402_35619.html

US Red Cross Donation Page - https://american.redcross.org/site/SPageServer?ssubsrc=RCOBigRedButton&pagename=ntldmain&ssrc=RSG000000000

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support Japan's quick recovery!
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Lets Support Japan!
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Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客


Hong Kong
November 13, 2006