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AnD Promotion - Win a pair of Atomic Floyd HiDefDrum Headphones|AnD 推廣 - 贏取一對Atomic Floyd HiDefDrum耳機|AnD 推广 - 赢取一对Atomic Floyd HiDefDrum耳机

Dear friends:

Over the next few weeks we're planning a number of contests and giveaways for everyone to participate in.  Come back here often for updates!

The first is a promotion related to the AnD store!  The good people at Atomic Floyd have given us three pairs of their high end HiDefDrum headphones to give away to AnD users.  These things are very nicely built, deliver high quality (click here to read Rottendoubtand Boon's reviews!) and retail for US$190 (HK$1480). But you can get a pair for FREE.

We'll be giving away one per week to a lucky AnD user between now and July 22nd.  The winners will be drawn at random from that week's AnD store customers --- just buy any AnD productor artist's  product(CD, shirt, book, etc)  and you're eligible to win.    If you've been putting off buying that AnD Hat, now you have an excuse to buy sooner!   If you want to support your favorite artist by buying their product,  now you have an even better reason!  Don't wait!

FYI - we are running low on the White and Blue trucker hats,  and replacement styles are still far off! :-O

                                                        |                       親愛的朋友們:


第一是與 AnD店鋪相關的推廣!& lt;span style="font-weight: bold;">Atomic Floyd 那些友善的人給了我們三對高端的 HiDefDrum耳機,讓我們贈送給AnD用戶。這些耳機制作精細,質量很高(點擊這裏讀讀 RottendoubtBoon  的評價!),而現在的零售價是190美元(1480港元)。 但現在你可以 免費獲得一對。

從現在到7月 22日,我們將每週送出一對給一位幸運的AnD用戶。幸運者是由每週的AnD店鋪顧客中隨即抽出 --- 只要買任何 AnD 商品藝術家的商品(CD、襯衫、書等等),你就有機會獲得。如果你已經延遲了購買AnD帽子,現在你就有理由加快行動了!如果你想通過買藝術家商品支持你最喜歡的藝術家,現在你就由更好的理由了!不要等了!

告訴你們一個重要消息 - 白色藍色貨車帽即將售罄,而替代款式還遲遲沒有來貨! :-O



第一是与 AnD店铺相关的推广!& lt;span style="font-weight: bold;">Atomic Floyd 那些友善的人给了我们三对高端的 HiDefDrum耳机,让我们赠送给AnD用户。这些耳机制作精细,质量很高(点击这里读读 RottendoubtBoon  的评价!),而现在的零售价是190美元(1480港元)。 但现在你可以 免费获得一对。

从现在到7月 22日,我们将每周送出一对给一位幸运的AnD用户。幸运者是由每周的AnD店铺顾客中随即抽出 --- 只要买任何 AnD 商品艺术家的商品(CD、衬衫、书等等),你就有机会获得。如果你已经延迟了购买AnD帽子,现在你就有理由加快行动了!如果你想通过买艺术家商品支持你最喜欢的艺术家,现在你就由更好的理由了!不要等了!

告诉你们一个重要消息 - 白色蓝色货车帽即将售罄,而替代款式还迟迟没有来货! :-O

| Dear friends:

Over the next few weeks we're planning a number of contests and giveaways for everyone to participate in.  Come back here often for updates!

The first is a promotion related to the AnD store!  The good people at Atomic Floyd have given us three pairs of their high end HiDefDrum headphones to give away to AnD users.  These things are very nicely built, deliver high quality (click here to read Rottendoubtand Boon's reviews!) and retail for US$190 (HK$1480). But you can get a pair for FREE.

We'll be giving away one per week to a lucky AnD user between now and July 22nd.  The winners will be drawn at random from that week's AnD store customers --- just buy any AnD productor artist's  product(CD, shirt, book, etc)  and you're eligible to win.    If you've been putting off buying that AnD Hat, now you have an excuse to buy sooner!   If you want to support your favorite artist by buying their product,  now you have an even better reason!  Don't wait!

FYI - we are running low on the White and Blue trucker hats,  and replacement styles are still far off! :-O

接近 14 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares
Cool~ ^^
接近 14 年 ago
I have a pair and they are awesome!
接近 14 年 ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客


Hong Kong
November 13, 2006