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Project Michelle: Asian Bone Marrow Donors Needed

Michelle Maykin, a good friend of a friend, was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in February 2007. Right now, she’s down to the last 5 weeks to find a bone marrow match. What makes it tougher is that the match is more likely to happen with someone of Asian descent and sadly, there is a lack of Asian donors out there.

If you’d like to help, all it takes is a cotton swab in the mouth and a little bit of paperwork to get registered as a donor. If you’re in LA, you can go to the following location to register ( please let them know you are registering for Michelle Maykin. They will expedite and process your registration against Michelle’s bone marrow type ).

Asians For Miracle Marrow Matches

231 E. Third St. Suite G107

Los Angeles, CA 90013

They are open Weekdays, Monday through Friday, 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM and you can call (888) 236-4673 to schedule an appointment.

If you’re elsewhere and you’d like to help, you can find more info here.

A recent video blog from Michelle:

About Michelle Maykin:


Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches - Donor Resources:


Thanks so much for your time. If you could pass this on to anyone who might be able to help… it’d be much appreciated.

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares
Djbam f8 djbam
Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches was started by members of my family. My mother, Sharon Sugiyama still works there as project director. I hope that hearing stories like Michelle's will encourage more Asians to get tested and join the registry.
大约 16 年 ago
Djbam f8 djbam
GetItWhileUStil, this type of testing is not dependant upon blood type. The initial testing is for tissue type based on antigens, which is inherited from an individuals parents. The chances for a match are greater among those with the same ethnic background.
大约 16 年 ago
Djbam f8 djbam
It's very important that the numbers of mixed heritage individuals join the registry. It is very, very hard for multiethnic patients to find a match outside of their immediate family.
大约 16 年 ago


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Los Angeles, United States
May 2, 2007