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Mark Allen
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Matt Damon Loves China (And Mark Allen)

Here's a little pop-quiz for you - who said this about the Szechuan earthquake?

"...I got a letter, from the Tibetan Foundation that they want to go and be helpful. And that made me cry. And they ask me if I would write a quote about that and I said, “I would.” And it was a big lesson to me, that some times you have to learn to put your head down and be of service...." [Transcrīpt from Speak4China] A)  Patrick Lee

B)  Matt Damon

C)  Sharon Stone

D)  Mark Allen

Now... I really want you to answer this in your head before reading on.  Got it?

Okay - well, it's not Matt Damon.

The real answer is Sharon Stone.  In fact, this was the same paragraph that she supposedly said the earthquake was a result of karma.

Now, I don't know Sharon Stone and I don't care what people think about her.  Personally, I find it really weird that she was talking to the press like they were children in her speech (which Matt Damon would  never do and might have given away my quiz) - but I still don't care.  What I do care about is how our entire world culture is starting to exist on headlines without doing any research.

Today I saw an article that began:

"Sharon Stone is facing a $1 billion lawsuit from the victims of China's recent earthquake after she controversially blamed the disaster on "karma". "

First of all - it's a ridiculous law suit.  Secondly, she never did what is being described here.

Ms. Stone's entire point in her oddly phrased speech was actually saying this:

She feels close to Tibet and the Dali Lama and doesn't like how China is treating the situation in Tibet and when the earthquake happened, it crossed her mind "Is that Kharma?"  (note that is is being used as a rhetorical question here, not a statement - like someone who is learning what karma means.)  And then she says she received a letter from the Tibet foundation asking her to help and that this was a lesson for her about putting your head down and being of service despite what you think about political things.

Frankly, the shocking part is that someone would admit publicly that they actually learned a lesson versus that they are a know it all.  In actuality - it's quite a humble and beautiful thing she's trying to convey.  I'm shocked she tried to say it at all.

Unfortunately - apparently exposing that she actually had a thought for a moment of which she later repented by learning a lesson is so unheard of today that she was totally crucified on a world wide level for it.

This kind of thing is happening ALL - THE - TIME.  I blogged about the Miley Sirus "nude photos" earlier.  (There were no nude photos but most people seemed to happily ignore that fact and freak out anyway.)

Why does it upset me?  Because these things happen for a reason.  Marketers are getting very very good at manipulating our headlines based world culture.  And when it happen, you better know that someone has a reason for wanting you to believe something which isn't true.

Do you think the fact that Sharon Stone's movies and celebrity were crushed in China was just a result of a quip she made?  I believe someone has an interest in bringing her down because they don't like her opinion and influence.  

That's how things work. 

Don't accept being a pawn in this game. 

And it doesn't just happen to celebrities.  Don't think you're immune, you could be the game one day.

So - Mark - what the hell does this have to do with Matt Damon?

Well - two things.  One, I just wanted to use the headline trick on you so you thought I was joking when I put Sharon Stone as an option... and underscore my point about headlines... and sorry, I couldn't just stop at him loving China, he needed to love me too... well... it's my blog!  

Secondly, I chose Matt Damon (vs. Daniel Wu which would have been the obvious choice to gain readership) to underscore that this stuff is happening everyday - I wanted to point to an article by quarter to three ( http://www.quartertothree.com/inhouse/news/437/

 ) [a videogame blog] where the blogger recounts how he heard a headline about Matt Damon....  "Matt Damon [Is] OK With Movie Violence, Not OK With Game Violence" and he actually decided to look into this and see where it came from and how wrong it ended up being.  It's a fascinating article and I recommend the read even if you don't care about videogames.

Marketing or propaganda, there is really a fine line if any at all.  

There are two kinds of censorship -

one doesn't let you hear anything;

the other doesn't let you hear the truth.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  19 comments  0 shares
Photo 58618
Lemmings! Lemmings I say! How much time/paper/ink/bandwidth is wasted worldwide over quotes taken out of context or incomplete sentences, really? What if people decided to read serious papers, a book or learn a foreign language instead? Really, in this era of soundbite-journalism, I'm still surprised at the staggering amount of people who would yell 'how high?' when they're told to jump. Thanks for letting me know about that lawsuit though, you just made my day. Ok maybe not as much as that guy going after Kung Fu Panda for stealing Chinese 'intellectual property' or 'natural treasure' or whatever spin he used for it. I still giggle about that one up to this day.
over 15 years ago
I think u're being fair to her and that is cool. Sometimes people just believe blindly. I didn't see the exact lines before but what I did hear were angry remarks that Sharon Stone insulted the entire chinese community. I didn't go check it out to see the actual story because I thought the plight of the victims were more important than some journalist sensationalising a remark potentially hurtful or misunderstood. Either ways,she's always known as a highly intelligent person,so apologizing must have seemed equally reasonable to her in some ways.For the amt of lashing she got,she also managed to resurrect her legacy once again.
over 15 years ago
Photo 33427
I wanted to post something like this a while back - thanks for doing so. Many people got emotional to the point where you could not even reason with them (on this matter) and to be honest I barely have enough hours in my day to get my own life done without wasting hours standing up for Sharon Stone. People need to accept less and think more. Really, as a species, we seriously risk evolving into a bunch of muppets.
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
check this out - http://www.crooksandliars.com/2006/09/14/jon-stewarts-hilarious-look-at-the-use-of-the-question-mark/
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
re - sharon stone - yes, she was trying to make a positive point but managed to put her foot in her mouth while doing it. i thought it was an over reaction, but think about the opposite case - how do people in the US react when katrina or 9/11 were blamed on karma... (or god's wrath...)
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ps - in case there was any doubt that sharon stone has some problems, this was from the very same night she said the karma comment - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99XYUgpG2yQ
over 15 years ago
Photo 22998
Etchy - that was a funny link and a great example of one of the many faces of Whisper Campaigning. But on your other comment... I think she was using a rhetorical question in the context of a story which was too complex for a headline and thus, yes put her foot in her mouth. About your other link - again, great link and it makes perfect sense.... was she drunk? (Notice the question mark.) Anyway, as I said, I think she's an odd one and this is not about defending her at all - it's about defending everyone against manipulation. Remember, there's tthe whole story about Matt Damon too. Jaymee - yes bad timing, but don't you think the people reporting the "news" of this were the ones who really caused the harm? I mean, there were maybe 20 people tops who heard her say this. They were the ones who had the power to either share something which might hurt the Chinese people or to consider their feelings and just not report it. What did they do? TOP HEADLINE NEWS - so, they both hurt the people AND hurt sharon Stone... or maybe hurt the people in order to hurt Sharon Stone? (again notice the question mark.... regarding Etchy's first link)
over 15 years ago
Photo 22998
Silky - that's part of the irony for me because normally she comes off as being arrogant and here she seemed like she was trying to be humble and respectful. I do wonder, though, especially after seeing the clip Etchy posted if she was operating under impaired judgment. Not a good idea. Anyway - just want to remind people once again, this is not about defending Sharon Stone, but pointing out a dangerous phenomenon.
over 15 years ago
Photo 22998
You know... famous people get asked things all - the - time and very often it's done with a leading question to trap them into a particular answer. (Not that I think that was the case this time.) But - eventually - Celebrities are going to slip up. Everyone does. i can't think of anyone I know who hasn't said something they didn't really mean "That didn't come out right." So - it's gonna happen. Now... sometimes they are just lame people and their true personalities show through enough and people get the idea of how they think and lose interest... I think that is going to happen faster and faster the cellphone videos and such are out there.
over 15 years ago


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