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Post-Pagent events

I've come back from San Francisco after the Miss Chinatown U.S.A. Pageant for 5 days, and currently experiencing jet lag and a flu... really needa get some real rest after the past 3 very fulfilling and busy weeks :P

Let me recap on what I've been busying with after the pageant night on Jan 31st.

Basically what follows after the pageant was a list of busy schedule visiting Chinese Associations and sponsors, press interviews, fashion show, ball, city tour, sponsor dinners, and Parade.

Feb 1.= Day 1 after pageant night

The day started off with a Press Interview at Hilton Hotel, followed by 4 Chinese Associations visitations in Chinatown. Lunch at Four Seas Restaurant, followed by 10 more visitations. 

Feb 2  = Day 2 after pageant night

Started off with our press conference at World Journal, then radio broadcast interview with Singtao radio AM 1400 and FM 96.1.

I was sooo surprised and happy when Eva (contestant from NY) said happy bday to me during the radio interview and all the girls sang Happy bday to me during the broadcast. Thanks for this wonderful gift :)

After interviewing at Singtao, we were invited to a luncheon and celebration at Fong's Brothers Printing. Fong's Brothers also prepared me a birthday cake. There were over 80 people in the room celebrating bday with me. I am so happy!!

After a great lunch, we went for a tour of one of the largest printing companies in Northern California, the Fong's Brothers' Printing company.

After the Fong's we headed back to Chinatown for 6 more visitations.

Dinner was at 7pm in R&G.

Feb 3 = Day 3 after pageant

Visiting the Chinese Hospital sending fruits and greetings to patients, followed by our trip to Red Mango in Palo Alto, one of our sponsors. Dinner at Koi Palace sponsored by Seven Happiness.

Feb 4 = Day 4 after pageant

Our day tour around SF!!! Our escorts took us to Lombard St, Fisherman's, IN and Out, Golden Gate Bridge, and Japan Town.

After a fun early afternoon, we went to the Women's Resource Center for a visitation, followed by a dinner at Tomokazu.

Feb 5 = Day 5 after pageant

Sponsor lunch at Four Seas restaurant, followed by our fashion show fitting and rehearsal at a studio.

Dinner was at the Garden's  followed by our annual Mr. Chinatown event. Fresco, the Mr. Chinatown that I sponsored won Mr. Talent!!! Woohoo!!! I taught him Ribbon dance lol...

Mr. Chinatown is an annual event for the Miss Chinatown USA pageant escorts to participate. Each Miss Chinatown will sponsor a Mr. Chinatown contestant.

Feb 6 = Day 6 after pageant

Morning started off with a visitation at OnLok home of elderly. Lunch was sponsored by Young Sing.

Coronation Ball and Max Nugus Fashion Show was in the evening at the Hilton Hotel.

Feb 7 = Last Day!!!

Lunch at a sponsored restaurant, followed by our last 6 visitations in Chinatown. After visitations, we went back to the hotel to change into our parade gown. The Chinese New Year Parade in San Francisco is one of the largest parade out of China. It was being broadcast nationwise at KTVU, KTSF, and also through settlite to China. Parade was held from 5:30-8:30pm.

We were so hungry after the parade, and went to Four Seas restaurant for the after party and award presentation ceremony.

This concluded the Miss Chinatown U.S.A. pageant of 2009!!!

One more event for me tho. Is going to TVB for an interview for my Miss People's Choice award. The Miss Chinatown USA program including my interview will be broadcasted in the TVB USA  cable these two weeks.

15 年多 前 0 赞s  15 评论s  0 shares
Photo 37580
Looks pretty busy, hope you enjoyed yourself though.
15 年多 ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
we need an IN n OUT in HK
15 年多 ago
Photo 261052
Congrats!!! Great work there!! When are you coming back?!? See you soon!!
15 年多 ago


JuJu Chan (陳鈺芸) Actress, Action Star, Pop Singer, Author, Hong Kong Taekwondo (ITF) Representative, Signature: double nunchucks


Hong Kong
November 2, 2008