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Govad Wong
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yes!Finally I done my Nunchucks video!

Yo all, I am happy to show you this!!!! I won't say much! Just enjoy and make some cm!!!!

Don't forget to watch in HD!!!!


over 14 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


早前, 為一位畢業於城市大學的朋友進行一個有關"城市"為主題的拍攝, 內容是有關現代人眼中的城市和放鬆的生活。 很高興這位朋友的畢業作品被校方給予高度評價, 並將會於11月24日開始, 於香港公園溫室內進行一個藝術展覽。

本星期2會是展覽的Opening, 希望大家於展覽其間, 好好支持一下, 片中除了我, 還有我的一些好友, 如 Rodney Wong 和Steve 等。希望大家支持的, 不只是我和一些alive not dead 中的好友和該作品的原創者, 更希望大家支持一下影片背後希望帶出的意思和意義, 好好地深思一下我們現在生活的城市, 人和人之間的距離, 城市給我們的習慣和價值觀等問題。

以下是展覽的宣傳影片, 請細心欣賞。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UcAl...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

What's Next?

This is a tralier about my next vieo, Will upload it on 2010.

Keep update on my blog.



almost 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

時事追擊, that's suck.

最近, 亞視的時事追擊採訪了我們, 在過程中已經感到編輯/記者的非常不友善...

最終, 出來的效果比想像中的更差, 弔用的資料原來是下三流網站, 小朋友亂作的資料, 所謂的新聞節目主觀得連人家的專業都變成笑話。 香港, 還有真的正有良心的傳媒嗎? 連一個大台的新聞節目都可以用來歷不明的資料當成公認的証據, 找一個不知parkour為何物的所謂專家, 用一分free funning 的報告去分析Parkour, 新聞已死?

不用澄清, 不用解釋, 有獨立思想的都可以自己思考一下節目的鋪排, 隱喻和帶出的訊息。 有些事, 會不言而癒, 看官請自行分析。只是對亞視失了一個很大的望。


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

HKPA 2010 trailer

Busy for HKPA's work, the filming is still going on, the video and HKPA's web site will on show in 2010! Now, the trailer is here.

Big thank for 85up2, I just put their music in the trailer.

the video will be the best video in our channel. Can't wait to go out for next filming.

Check this frist.


almost 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Busy days...

There are so many things around me, work, training and hurt!

Many things haven't post on and Blog. Here was some videos in these days.

My plam is still not fix yet, have been rest for too long.

But anyway, will post more things on here in NOV soon.

Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

I am damn FATTTTTT@_@

Just did a music video for Sherman Chung, the great song's call "A Letter To Myself ". I'm just did a bit things in the video, but you can see, I am damn fat!!

Lol! Gonna be more fit, train hard!!!!!


about 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

BLOG: 9月14日

Yesterday, I am sad... so I go beach with 308, we have fun on beach, then I go to a trickz session, this is the video...

I don't know....why I just can't make a girlfriend??? so sad...



本來約好了一個想追既女仔去沙灘, 可能真係我天生無女人緣....最後, 結果都係唔想提了, 很多謝林龍一call 就出泥同我去沙灘, 結果有人發現一個情場失意既男子係大浪灣打翻...

因為真係好唔開心, 去完沙灘之後我飛左百幾蚊的去左荃灣打翻,大部份都係唔識既朋友, 不過可能因為我太想發洩, 而大家既情緒都好high, 今日玩得幾行, d人真係好x勁...

結果, plan 好晒希望本來應該係好浪漫, 計劃左好多野做, 好多地方去既一個追女仔日變成了一個熱血的訓練日

以此片向所有無女朋友, 無人要, 噙唔到女, 比女飛, 比女玩, 比人當係觀音兵, 條女出去偷食既死死團, 毒男, 運動員至敬...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

I never seen any video like this!

Damn, This is fucking Cool!!

I never seen any video like this, this is the style I want, this is the movement I want! This is the editing I want!!!!!!



OUT OF TIME from Андрей Скурьят DREE on Vimeo.

about 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

This is my frist human flag on Youtue.

Today I fim my frist human flag video....

But so shitm I just can hold it for 2 seconds.

But, will be over 10 seconds someday!

about 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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Member Since
April 13, 2007