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Eddie Chung
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Photo shoot

Daniel got all the guys together for a photo shoot for his management company. It always fun and easy working with Wing Sha. You can see some of the shots in Milk. The whole gang was there, here are some behind the scene pics.  Checking out the results..

Ken and Ghost Style blowin some water..The boys chillin while Dan take an interview..JBS and Fed.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
Ryanhui 26 ryanhui
Nice! Wing Sha is the man.
over 15 years ago
Photo 319485
Fun Shots! I've actually been referred to David's Management Company. Do you know who I would contact in regards to obtaining more detailed info?~Shairah~
over 15 years ago
Photo 61114
Nice! Too bad I missed it, but I was supposed to help Junny shoot that Earth Hour thing too! RESPECT THE PK, RESPECT EARTH HOUR!
over 15 years ago


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