zhou le
演员, 导演, 剪接师, 特效师(SFX)
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Shadowed daylight online

after 6 years, i decided to put my amateur movie on youku!

shadowed daylight was a really a big challenge because no budget (200 euros), and with people that they never ever play in a movie before... all of them was friends worker or student, no one was from the movie industry.

the second challenge was mix a lot of language in one movie... cantonese, mandarin, english, french and taiwanese! because some of them cannot speak mandarin..

Noon was his first time to speak in english in the movie hahaha , we can hear his "evolution" scene by scene!

Its also my first collaboration with Patrick Kazu Tang this movie took 1 year to make it (some scene you can see the snow or the sunshine) but in total was only 15 days shooting with one week editing.

Unfortunately, lot of scene was cancelled because some of the student visa's of some main actors was expired ... so its not easy to understand the movie at all.

the music is not original (no money for that) took from new police story, old boy, infernal affairs, etc.

it was very tired to try finish it , we cannot have everybody in same time.

the version online is a version i made few days before my hard disk crash and lost everything... (i still have the DV tape, thanks god)

SO just for fun, HERE shadowed dayligh aka SD!!!!

by the way, i never show this movie to people :)

接近 14 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares
Photo 76362
Hi Zhou li, I like your movie. It was entertaining to watch
接近 14 年 ago


Belgian independant filmmaker in China! Making some cool short films online! 比利時導演住中國拍攝酷的微電影。


english, mandarin, french
Beijing, China
December 13, 2007