Official Artist
Chan Tiffany
Graphic Designer , Illustrator
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Snow white at Halloween :3

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[endif]I am exhausted now and just waiting of the photos we took last night

This year Noel and fion is not here with me…

And finally I went with bear bear and his friends

At night we joined to brought some stuff for K and go to Brain’s home to dress up

This year I am the dark side snow white

But finally now that dark and I want to keep a bit pretty XD

Um….all of them are so nice too, just hugo alex and his gf haven’t dress up

Totally we have me,bear bear,hugo,k,brian,alex,gf,chung,gf,yanki…10 people

Haa….but not play enough as they leaving a bit early and can’t meet up with some fds. And thx for calling me my fds

Back to Brina’s home and having fun at night

Haa….Such a crazy guy…

Honey just keep wearing my wag.want dim lei…haa

And have a sweet sleep at night

Back home this morning

And Miss u so much bear bear

This Halloween I really feeling so gooooood


about 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
about 15 years ago
Photo 69657
about 15 years ago


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