Official Artist
Tak-Ho Cheung
Actor , Music Producer , Singer
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Movie Shooing "I Come With The Rain"

 I m gald that Im IN "I come with the rain" which make me meet 木村拓哉 and 李秉憲..hehe and Im looking forward to see Josh Hartnett  International Star. Beside, thats a great flim production system Im sure every crews and actors are enjoying.Shooting should be finished by Mid Oct(Hong Kong) .Lets share the movie clips at that time(not good idea to post any photos now,respect for the movie coz it still shootin )   Break Time chit chat with art director at Location ,Y everyone said I look like 甄子丹, Do I ? But of course Im not good enough ....Long way to go

about 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
Ryanhui 26 ryanhui
Keep up the good work man! Can't wait to see the finished result.
over 17 years ago


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August 3, 2007