歌手, 模特儿
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My First Time.....

WHOO HOO. As promised, a REAL blog entry~~

Besides Ani-Com this past Saturday, nothing really worth mentioning for the week. I frankly don't really know how the weekdays pass by because they just generally ....do. Very quickly might I add.

Heading back to NY for 2 weeks and a half in August, very VERY excited! , Flushing Shabu Shabu, HERE I COME!!!!! Of course, will get to see my Mommy and friends. Whoa, the site just auto saved my draft, how awesome is that?! Much better than Xanga. Thank you Alivenot Dead!

Once I have more posts and pics and content on the site, i definitely will have to introduce all you guys, readers, fans, and anyone else some of my favorite musicians/artists from NYC~

but for now, its zzzZZZZ time.

Will leave with some pics from this past weekend!

~The Official AnD Gear~

Beginning of the Night!

** **** !

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yeah! welcome to the 21st century! will you be back by Sept 2nd?
接近 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
what about August 10th? will you still be here? its a friday... take the day off work!
接近 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i burn easily! i can tan (i think i'm already getting darker), but i generally try not to. don't worry, i'm bringing my super 50+ sunblock, you can be protected. ;-)
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 23789
I love the pictures! Come back! Come back!
接近 17 年 ago


i like funny people.


english, mandarin
Hong Kong
May 9, 2007