Official Artist
Sean Tierney
Actor , Screenwriter , Musician , Comedian , Author
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I'm certain that the title of this blog entry is an atrocious attempt at translation that doesn't say what I want it to.

This probably doesn't either:  吹我Today I picked up what I thought was a wildly inexpensive kitchen towel. Well, not only does it turn out to be quite a bit larger than expected, it's also not really a towel at all! Look: It's a Chinese footie scarf!!![](/attachments/2009/04/23/23/71157_200904232302581.thumb.jpg)I don't know anything at all about Chinese football leagues or teams, or , well, anything, so I translated it using the internet. Apparently football really is the universal language, because the scarf actually says...

"Who the f@#$ are Xian United?"

If the pollution doesn't clear up soon I will lose my mind from being cooped up. My house has never been so picked up, straightened up, and orderly. I feel like I broke into a stranger's flat.

about 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
about 15 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
And you're not even in a Wong Kar Wai film. "My house has never been so picked up, straightened up, and orderly. I feel like I broke into a stranger's flat."
about 15 years ago


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