Official Artist
Sarah Cheng-De Winne
Actor , MC / Show Host , Singer
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What exactly is this thing they call "star quality" aka X-Factor?

I have had small conversations here and there with people asking for feedback on my music and performance - and, apart olI find it difficult, at the moment to reconcile myself with the idea of "star quality" aka X-Factor?

Can "star quality" be something that is cultivated? Well, if you believe in the Pygmallion story, ...Read more

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Distribution & Promotion Woes of The Independent Artist

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Good Talks, Good Walks

I had the opportunity to meet with Corrinne May, arguably one of the most successful female singer-songwriter figures from Singapore (though based in LA) - she's back in town to sing for national day, cos she wrote this year's theme song - check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGY5ff831B8. I'm really grateful for the opportunity to talk to someone who's actually walking the life of a singer-songwriter, and who is also a mom (her daughter C...Read more

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

At the Last Leg of Recordings.. but still TONS to do

This weekend marks the last week of recording for Let's Pretend. Today, I spent a gruelling 8 hours in session with Roland, Xiao An and Euntaek. But all in good progress towards completing the final song for the album, "Maybe Forever"! It is very difficult still because although recordings are coming to a close, i have been up to my neck doing writing for my website, my press release, invite, sending out E-invites on my own, etc - if anyone has any media leads, please do please do let me know...Read more

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

I'm Down. Hopefully things will look up soon!

I suddenly feel down. I'm not usually a negative person, but all of a sudden it feels like there are so many obstacles ahead to becoming a "real" recording artiste. i guess that's why a couple of people have been advising me to do a '5-year plan', and then a '10-year plan'. One of these, who I consider as a new mentor of mine, advised to do this so that i won't be disheartened - and i'm starting to see the wisdom of this. already, i feel down, that 1) i dont have all ...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Giving up a Fame for Artistry

I was actually shortlisted as the "top 8" for the first episode of Singapore's version of American's Got Talent - it's called OMG (One Moment of Glory). However after to talking to the producers (who were really very nice) and finding out that I would have to mostly sing pop songs and also be using a minus one even if I were to stick to jazz (which wouldn't showcase me to my potential at all), and then talking to some trusted friends in the music scene... I decided not pull out of the competition - they...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Singapore Wine & Jazz Festival, Ben & Shanhui's Wedding at the St Regis

Had a blast over the weekend running from St Regis to Robertson Walk and back again for two gigs! Was part of the Young Jazz Talent showcase alongside drum prodigy Aaron Lee and amazing pianist (and multi-instrumentalist) Jordan Wei as part of Jordan's band!  Got a chance to meet Rani again and we decided to take a singing in the rain kind of shot - weather was bad that day but getting the chance to sing and play on such a platform really made us all smile :)Heading over ...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Showcase at LIVE! Singapore 2010 :)

It was a blast to have the opportunity to showcase at LIVE! Singapore 2010 :) Got to meet up with Rani and get formally introduced to Jeremy! The band with me was the best I could have asked for: Jordan Wei on Piano, Brandon Wong on Bass and Adam Shah on Drums! See the photo below! :) We did three songs: Closer (When I Am Thinking Of You) opened the set, followed by Take Me -  listen/ buy this songRead more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Circles/Take Me - A new Double A-Side Single by Sarah Cheng-De Winne

Hi Everyone! I will be taking orders for physical copies of my first double A-side single, Circles/Take Me :) Please visit http://www.ilike.com/artist/Sarah+Cheng-De+Winne to listen to Circles!Email me at contact@sarahchengdewinne.com to order a copy. 

about 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

White Christmas by Sarah Cheng-De Winne, Brandon Wong, Norman Seck, Mark...


over 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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