I'm not sure if most of you in HK heard about the fires in San Diego, California this past week but its been pretty crazy. Even Fallbrook (the town where I lived for 4 years while going to high school and where my Grandma used to live) was evacuated and the park we used to drive by burned down! Please keep the families that lost their homes in your prayers and hope that the city recovers soon.
| 不知道在香港的你們有沒有聽說上周開始在加州聖地亞哥的大火,火災很嚴重。連Fallbrook鎮(我奶奶以前住的地方,我在那裏上了4年高中)都被迫撤離,以前開車經過的公園已經被燒光!祈禱上帝保護失去家園的人們,希望城市能盡快重建。
A view from space shows how big the fires are!
| 從太空看火勢巨大!
I played at the Rainbow Plan charity show in Guangzhou a few days ago which was fun. It was for a good cause so I was happy to help out.
| 幾天前我在廣州參加了”彩虹行動慈善嘉年華“演出,很有趣。這是公益活動,我很樂意出席。
The best part of the show was getting to watch
張震嶽 (A-Yue) for the first time! I have a few of his albums so it was cool to see him live.
| 最棒的是第一次見到張震嶽(A-Yue)!我有他幾張唱片,看到現場表演真的很酷。