All around me..... there is so much ugliness and cruelty ...
A friend tells me he has cancer
another tells me his friend died of cancer
even my maid is returning to her homestown cuz her mother-in-law has cancer
i went to a indian wedding dinner in thailand.
so i had to dress up in indian style.
i haven't been to an weddings for about ten years, the last one was Hacken lee's wedding.
Have you ever felt like this before??
I've been feeling rather out of luck in life recently
I've been questioning myself
What is wrong ??
Have I not tried hard enough??
Has t...Read more
hello dear!!!!!! thank U'all for your warm wishes !!! i love you~!!! 多謝你們的生日祝福啊~ 很開心你們為我預備了這次驚喜~很大的birthday cake呢~~!!! 我很喜歡啊!! thanks sooo much!!!你們每一個的心意我也會好好記住, 這個生日一定會很難忘~正日我會同姐姐回新加坡跟家人一齊慶祝,待會再見啦~ miss ya~racy~
Coffee..... tea or me??yum yum...
Hey Hey everybody!!! 活動通知!!!9月1日(星期六), 2:30pm 九龍灣國際展貿中心 Emax"BACK TO SCHOOL" 活動我會跟大家見面, 到時見啦~!! ^____^I love strawberry!! want some??Racy~
YO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! 我們有機會見面啦!!!!!^___^今個星期六8月25日我們兩個會出現在" Microworks 【儲存焦點】創刊號暨攝影比賽"時間是1:00-2:00pm 地點在香港會議展覽中心 Hall 1 舞台我們是這次活動的嘉賓, 希望到時會見到你們啦~!! (^0^)see ya!!
GIVE ME AN 'A' ..........GIVE ME A 'V' .....GIVE ME AN 'R'.......GIVE ME AN 'I'....GIVE ME A 'L''.... ...Read more