Pauline C
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wacky internet again

I decided i have absolutely no patience whatsoever when it comes to internet and things like SECURITY codes don't work when they are supposed to...

OH well.. i used to be alot more patient in my hey day.. now i am more chilled about different things..expectations.. the internet makes you a certain way especially when you have high speed... china does not seem to have that.. It really teaches you zen patience...

NYC spoiled me .. i came to EXPECT instant gratification.. and results especially when working in the fash industry for a major brand.. you can get anything done.. just pay the price... that's NYC!

Going back to the UK.. and wondering why you can't just stick your arm out and hail a cab.. or run to the deli in the middle of the night..made me realise how spoiled i had become when i was in nyc.. and how used to THAT kind of life...

Being in HK can also be like that too.. i am the cab QUEEN.. honestly i walk alot but get more done... when i can zip around..and i am also happy being in a deserted place for months without any thing except the beach, sun and lazy evenings..and no connection..

so again.. when you EXPECT and don't get.. it bugs me.. when you expect nothing and get nothing.. then the smallest gesture means alot .. like when  you type a reply ...that number appears on your screen and you can plug it in..rather than blank and it doesn't load and voila its gone... puff....

sorry guys... venting... You do a FAB job... blame china waves....


接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
Paulinec 1a img 1269
super super super patient... i have already been in china for over 1 half....believe me its been vvery testing!
接近 17 年 ago


Open your eyes. http://twitter.com/#!/Peonyrice


english, cantonese
Hong Kong
June 5, 2007