Official Artist
Pauline C
Fashion / Costume Designer
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oooh quick entry... completely psyched.... to be packing for a quick getaway for the week as its the national holidays.... to MY HK HOME.....ooooh how i love HK.. those cute feelings of warmth turn up...

did i tell you all that my suitcase finally turned up... via BJ...and it was totally intact outside and contents...??? amazing .. i am truly thankful to British airways...

it's been a whirlwind of a week catching up with work .. and everyone... spent too many nights jetlagged but its been great to catch up on all i missed.

Feeling energetic again and can't wait to sink my teeth into the new season and be inspired.. and see where the new journey begins and takes me.

Usually the 3 months leading up to my birthday is fast and furious... alot happens .. can't explain the energy trail.. but its all cool and positive..but come the day - i just want to reflect and take time out for me.. that's my treat... so where too this year??

As my b'day falls in the middle of the month.. its usually around full moon.. and that's extra energy blazin' right there...

got so much to do....keep you updated...


over 17 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


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