Official Artist
Pauline C
Fashion / Costume Designer
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I was thinking today.. should i blog or not.. about the daily HAPPENINGS in my life. ...but it is good to share some thoughts...

Been working most of today from home and it was really peaceful and a good time to reflect. 4th July came and went.. ..HK independence day celebration came and went... and left me thinking .. i have been away from england for the longest time... and miss the holidays in Europe.. summer's there are the best to lounge and rest.

I sometime wonder if my roots will ever be settled. I have moved around so much in the past years.. that seriously that Paul Young song comes to mind.. wherever i lay my hat . that's home...only it's been quite extreme because it has been continents. I do not think about it so much that it is so vast and many people do not travel so much let alone move 1/2 way across the world...

wondering when i hit my granny hood age... will i be running around the world with my walking stick..or let loose in the electric wheelchair..hehehe

I will continue to meet all of these amazing people from around the world.. and it feeds my energies....i love those intimate moments that you can share with people.. and connect even if you are unable to speak the same language. The heart can be warmed through the simpliest of gestures.

just a small thought.. now back to work..

over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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