Official Artist
Pauline C
Fashion / Costume Designer
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Happy Hols!

Looking forward to going home back to Manchester. It is the first time in about 8 years since i have been in England with family for Christmas... i am flying Christmas day....

Here's wishing you all something that is very important for the coming year. Close to the heart... Cherish those moments of peace.

looking forward to sorting my life out there.. and bringing all my crap to asia... something i have been meaning to do for the past 10 years.... haha.. something unintentionally nomadic about my lifestyle.. a bit of my life has been left in england... a bit in NYC.. and now HK and China.

I cannot imagine living in one place.

pics from Manchester coming soon!....

about 17 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares


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June 5, 2007