Pauline C
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celebration in xiamen

Okayee..it was my niece's b'day weekend yesterday..went to Riyuegu. Hotsprings.. for a relaxing evening - chilled start to the weekend... funny cos i have been soo utterly tense.. it was a sense of relief for me to just chill..

It's a pretty pleasant place although i still have this mind over matter thing that i do not want to see it during the daytime..think china... and i am a clean freak!.. one sign of that throat wretching and i am out of there!.

The place is about 20 mins drive from Xiamen.. nestled in between the Tianzhu Mountains - has alot of themed hot pools... like curry pot, pineapple pool and milk pool, sand spa - ( being buried in hot sand...not good for those that are claustraphobics..), purity pool, - my fav - the hottest!

Hot stone massage was just what the doc ordered... felt like i needed to be pounded to get the sickness and stress from my shoulders and head on a hot slab.... the guy masseuse's arms were shaking.. i think he was thinking that he was hurting me!!

Strange one was the fish spa... where the little fish basically eat you..well your skin..it's really weird sensation.. and these little buggers are quite vicious..suggest guys need to wear their speedos..haha..not sure how this is good for your skin... salt rub would be better!..the thought of  sitting in a fishtank was what came to mind..what the fish eat - needs to come out!...right???and you are sitting in it!...but you do have to try once in your life!....poor little fishes...

couldn't take photo's inside - so ..you can check out the spot on


Had a quick later dinner at about 11.30pm.. ordered everything that they had left!.. there were 12 of us!... polaroids will follow!... cake and champers... and home to bed..slept really well!

Tonight...quick drink by the lake at me & yu.quite pretty outdoor bar - Xiamen is full of random places and still constantly building...and the lakeside is the trend of the moment... well ended up at Elite the local hot spot.. cross between club and live band venue..filipino band are quite good... they did a few spanish numbers and the usual of the moment tunes.. not bad for xiamen!.. my niece was nice and drunk..happy go lucky gal.. ate at another hotspot.. under the stairs of a local building..best fried dumplings...afterhours place.


B'day gal!

place is far right...behind the red dude

(sorry retarded with this photo uploader.. can't turn the pic the right way!)

waiting to eat in the street - no space inside under the stairs.... its really that busy..yes that man was sleeping outside..

happy starving gang!

dumplings and more dumplings!!

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares
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fun! I'll have to visit Xiamen one of these days..
接近 17 年 ago


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english, cantonese
Hong Kong
June 5, 2007