Official Artist
Pauline C
Fashion / Costume Designer
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Better today

Hmmm.. seriously - 3 days it has taken me to recover... and i am sooo detoxing this week.. haven't touched a drop since sunday morning..

Been searching for a pool table in xiamen.. on a mission to find one..so glad i have the space for these things here... unlike HK..

Just got my trip to the usa and europe sorted .. for NYC fashion week... so will be leaving in september.. and do a detour to Montreal, toronto, vancouver, then to LA for a boutique opening ... and to England... home a few days to see family... can't wait... and then to paris for the shows.

I will be back in London directly after.. wanna stop in Berlin and portugal... then back to hong kong... and xiamen at the end of september...

It is going to be quite hectic... but i love to travel..

over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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