Official Artist
Pauline C
Fashion / Costume Designer
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My luggage is still lost... Baggage strike in Paris.. always during FASH week...the crew at Charles de GAulle have really firmed my deepest beliefs that that really is THE WORST airport ever......they really know how to do it.....and my luggage never made any of my flights to and from england or China..... still waiting...worse thing is that all of my technical NEEDS are in there... camera, plugs,adaptors, powerpacks, disks.... handicapped by technology.... and off course chocolate and tea......more favs from Paris... and my whole entire Fall work wardrobe.....eeeeek..OUCH hurts big time..there is only so much that one can hand carry nowadays with all of the airport security... and BOY does it suck BIG TIME..

hope it turns up soon....

over 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
Paulinec 1a img 1269
ya.. i hope it is all still IN the suitcase.......
over 17 years ago


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June 5, 2007