Pat Lee
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Woah! I'm how OLD?? @_@

Hey Everyone,

Well it's been a nice little vacation so far spending time with family here in Toronto - it's only been a week and it seems like time is flying by so quickly. Here are some recent pictures while I have been in Toronto ;)


My aunt and Uncle came by for a day to Toronto, my cousin came along as well - so it was nice to see the whole family get together. I like this picture except my sister's eyes are closed here dope!! >_<


After hanging out at the house - we decided to swing over to First Markham - a small chinese mall, they had these rides there for the kids!


                                                  Ok - so Uncle spoils his Nieces haha!


Here's a picture of my sister in law trying to grab some toys from this toy machine. Man those claws are horrible - so hard to pick up toys! Eventually after several attempts, we finally were able to get ONE!


Later we went back to the house and hung out in the hallway - we took some more pictures!


                                                        Me, my brother and his kids.


After I went out to take one of my dogs (Caley) out for a walk - but took some snap shot pictures of him. He's getting fat for a Yorkie!




                                                               HOLY he looks like Chewy!!



      After that we decided to swing by another shopping mall - buy some Canadian stuff


            At ToysRuS we saw.. uhmm.. This on the ground haha!! Thought it was wierd.


                                        Ok last ride with Tigger before we have dinner ;)


Ok dinner time - time to blow out the candles. Hmmm I wonder what my wish is?... Same one as the birthday wish in Hong Kong ;)


                     Ok totally wierd picture of me but thought I'd throw it up here anyways. :P


Well! it's been a blast so far - we might go to Canadas Wonderland and check out the new rides they have over there. Until then?? Time to get to WORK! I have been working on a few short 3D animation projects, some video game stuff, a comic book (can't say right now) and a feature film! Much work to do!! -- Even on vacation MussSssT WooOOrrrKKKkk....

Funny thing is, you never realize how old you are until your birthday comes around. DOPE! >_< Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy B day! you guys ROCK!

Until next time, take care and look forward to traveling again soon!


大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  23 评论s  0 shares
Ya...you look more mature here with the kids : P
大约 16 年 ago
哈哈... so cute !!!
大约 16 年 ago
they are cute !!!
大约 16 年 ago
HAPPY HAPPY DAY ON YOUR BIRTHDAY ~~!!! its heart warming ~~!!! But we miss you here tho =P
大约 16 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 16, 2007