Official Artist
Pat Lee
Director , Painter
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Back in Toronto 回到多倫多 | 回到多伦多

Hey Gang,

@_@ Woah what a flight that was... I believe my flight back to Toronto was 17 hours including a stop over and I watched about 6 movies and sketched on the plane like there was no tomorrow. I don't even think I slept yet Ooof! I might have fainted for a few minutes, but no sleep yet.

I haven't gotten a chance to upload any work online yet since I just arrived in Toronto - but since I am back at home for 2 weeks I have my STASH of artwork here so I will be uploading quite frequently on my page with my art and descrīptions on my page on what medium I used and how long each individual piece took. It's a lil wierd to be back in my hometown since I haven't been back for a good 6 months now. I just realized that I have over 200 Transformers toys in my room and over 250 resin model kits I sitll have not yet painted - what a geek I am huh? @_@ Well, back in Hong Kong on the 18th! Already miss Asia. I will be uploading artwork tomorrow so check it out!! ;)

PS. My  favorite cartoon was Ninja Scroll. Why? Not only is Jubei (main character) slick in his fighting skills but an overall unique story if you like Samurai films with loads of blood - and the 7 devils of "K"? Villians at the peak of freaks! I give it an A++.

What is your favorite cartoon/anime and why?Pat Lee


@_@經歷了怎樣的飛行啊。。。我飛回多倫多可能花了 17個小時,包括中途停了一站。路上看了 6部電影、還畫圖,昏天暗地。我根本沒睡覺!可能中途有暈倒過幾分鐘,但睡不著。

剛到多倫多,沒機會上傳作品 -但已經回家了 2周,家裏有我很多秘密作品,所以我會經常在這裡上傳我的東西和作些解釋,比如每件作品用了什麼工具、花了多長時間等。已經有 6個月沒回來了,感覺回到家鄉有點不適應。我房間裏有超過 200個變形金剛玩具和 250個樹脂模型等著我給他們上色 -我是不是極客? @_@好的, 18號回香港!已經開始想念亞洲了。明天會上傳作品,等著看哦!

另外,我最喜歡的卡通電影是《獸兵衛忍風帖》,為什麼?不僅因為 Jubei(主角 )打架很厲害,而且整個故事很棒,如果你喜歡血性的日本武士電影的話。還有 7個‘ K’惡魔, Villians真是怪誕到極點!我給它打分是 A++。

你最喜歡的卡通 /漫畫是什麼,為什麼?|嘿,朋友们

@_@经历了怎样的飞行啊。。。我飞回多伦多可能花了 17个小时,包括中途停了一站。路上看了 6部电影、还画图,昏天暗地。我根本没睡觉!可能中途有晕倒过几分钟,但睡不着。

刚到多伦多,没机会上传作品 -但已经回家了 2周,家里有我很多秘密作品,所以我会经常在这里上传我的东西和作些解释,比如每件作品用了什么工具、花了多长时间等。已经有 6个月没回来了,感觉回到家乡有点不适应。我房间里有超过 200个变形金刚玩具和 250个树脂模型等着我给他们上色 -我是不是极客? @_@好的, 18号回香港!已经开始想念亚洲了。明天会上传作品,等着看哦!另外,我最喜欢的卡通电影是《兽兵卫忍风帖》,为什么?不仅因为Jubei(主角 )打架很厉害,而且整个故事很棒,如果你喜欢血性的日本武士电影的话。还有 7个‘ K’恶魔, Villians真是怪诞到极点!我给它打分是 A++。


about 17 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
cool, enjoy your trip home. take a picture of your transformer collection too while you're at it.
about 17 years ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
Favorite? Either Dr. Slump, Dragon Ball, (big Toriyama Akira fan), Naruto, Bleach, Bionic 6, Galaxy Rangers, Ninja Hattorikun, or Doraemon. Why? Some of them for being a big part of what I did at certain times of my life .. and sometimes .. they just speak to me or have a certain quality that resonates with who I am.
about 17 years ago


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